Georgians threaten to flood the South Ossetia

On Monday, it became known that Georgia opened the irrigation canal and flooded the western part of Tskhinvali. According to the republic's leadership, the Georgian side wants to flood the cellars of houses in order to deprive the inhabitants of the city to take refuge there from the possibility of bombing and shelling.
Only for the last day in the ruined houses Tskhinvali found the bodies of 80 dead, managed to get out of the basements and the surviving residents celebrate "Arguments and Facts." Tbilisi continues to try to capture the capital of the unrecognized republic, making at the same time peaceful statement.
Georgian troops seized South Ossetian civilians hostage, and then make them ritual murder. Information about this spread the government of the unrecognized republic.
"The law enforcement agencies have addressed residents of Tskhinvali southern a statement on the seizure of the Georgian military hostage four people: two men and two women. According to some sources, the hostages are brought to the graves of the Georgians, and there cut off the head, "- said the official representative of the government of South Ossetia Irina Gagloyeva.
According to "Interfax", similar statements can continue to act in the future, as now because of the lack of a centralized headquarters people just do not know where to go.
In addition, according to Russian journalists, Georgian troops in South Ossetia were finished off wounded Russian peacekeepers. "I have personally witnessed how finished off two wounded soldiers" - said the correspondent of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Aleksandr Kots, wounded during a business trip to South Ossetia.
According to RIA "Novosti", wounding Kotz Georgian soldier was going to finish his, but the journalist was rescued from the death of a major Russian army.