Dmitry Koldun presented radio

Two years have passed since the day when the lanky and modest boy from Minsk suddenly resolutely declared on TV: "Koldun, you are the best!" Said - done by winning the "Star Factory-6" Victor Drobysh, and a year later brilliantly acted on "Eurovision-2007", where under the guidance of Philip Kirkorov was first brought to the finals native Belarus. Singer so loudly announced himself that for him the real battle began. Drobysh Kirkorov and for a long time could not share the young talent, they lasted for months loud showdown in the media. As it turned out, in vain. Producer Dmitry Koldun became composer Alexander Lunev, who created the famous song «Never Let You Go» Dima Bilan at "Eurovision-2006". Sorcerer's debut album "Angel in the Rain", according to the plans of producer, is due out this fall.

- Dmitry, what will be your album?
- He will be CD-Play, will be released on disc. There will be songs written by me. The album has already been drawn up. At the time there was one layout my song. Maybe add something else. I'm writing a lot of songs, but they vary greatly and the sound of music, and with the concept of songs, which will be presented in the album. My there will be one or two. The rest of the songs will be as close to the concept of "format».
- Songs of Alexander Lunev that you perform now, the closest to pop. But in the past, "Slavonic Bazaar" in Vitebsk, you appeared in the form of a rocker. Change of image?
- There I was in the image and likeness of himself. I am very glad that my production center will not let my appearance at the "Slavonic Bazaar" and happy to me to let go, despite the fact that the event was a non-profit, that is, free of charge. All treated with understanding, because I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus. Vitebsk I performed two new songs, the ones that I like, I was the way I see myself on stage, I would like, as I can imagine.
- You present yourself rocker?
- Yes, is not something that a rocker, I can not name those songs that I sang, a manifestation of fate. Just a little more live instruments than usual, more meaning in the texts more votes. This is the song in a professional sound, in two languages. "Veins" and «Surrender». I wrote them yourself, did not interfere with the producer. All of your earned money spent on it. I already have 17 tracks. These are songs that are heard only close people.
- And where are the masses to hear this Warlock?
- Not so long ago, fans gave me internet radio ... neocults Internet ... Established secret of my online visitors. Radio broadcasts my work 24 hours a day. They waited until I went from one producer to another, what happens evolution. A year has passed. Without waiting for the changes, they decided on their own to promote my work to the masses. Created radio, very informative forum that fully compensates the dead official website. Now they are preparing an unofficial site with comprehensive information about me as a composer, author, singer. I watch everything. I view it is important to each person. Forum fans - it's kind of a focus group, the expert community, assessing my work. I make findings and am making some adjustments. Thus, the joint efforts of my works are refined. I see by the reaction of their fans like the song went. They - it's public opinion, and fair, because if I acted badly, they did say.
- How do you see yourself in ten years?
- In ten years I will sing exactly what I want. Maybe the songs for children. Maybe soundtracks cartoons will write. I'd like to. Not to Disney, and our, Russian.
- You participated in the show "Two stars", and there you are not neglected by the famous lover of tall men Alla Pugacheva. What is it - to be caressed the most diva?
- It's nice of course, but I do at this point about something else thought. I have great respect Alla Pugacheva, but so that I was shaking, it was not because I had a goal - to go on stage and sing. Received praise from leading, I just went out and sang.
- You have no more to anyone on the platform of awe?
- When we take away in a canister under the name of show business with these same yeast that roam there and released the gas, smelling delicious, it is unlikely to remain a thrill. Although there are good people. From a human point of view, I like Sergey Lazarev. It is absolutely easy to you can sit at the table. And with his musicians sit at the same table as opposed to some other artists. Similarly, as I always with his ballet, with his musicians. There is no such that you, the musicians go to the servants' quarters. I was an observer from looking at it all, and it gives me a certain respect.
- Who of show business communicate?
- With no one, in fact.
- Do not feel like part of the party?
- No, absolutely ... hangout for music has a fairly distant relationship. This is not a show of some sort, but just people going to find out who is steeper ring on the finger, one leg straighter, one skirt shorter.
- To the party many people love to bask in the stars ...
- I have never loved. Bask in someone's rays - a lot of weak man. Because it is all shaky as sand. Sometimes, of itself represents nothing gets PR by someone else, and even asking his consent, and then throws mud addition, by whom he raspiarili. Perhaps for some it is a way of existence. But for me there. Therefore, no one has ever heard me say a bad word about Philip Kirkorov, no matter how many articles have been published that Philip said that, it is said, the fifth to tenth. I just do not have any moral right to speak about someone something bad.
- And could?
- Of course, it could. Language-the boneless. Say something bad - it does not build a house. But it thankless job. There is a proverb: "The dog barks, the caravan moves on." This is probably my case.
- Tell us about your hobbies ...
- I loved the brown bears. Probably, soon opened the scoring to help them. Bears - they are as people. While touring in Norilsk, I saw a bear swimming. Lapu well put, he would have to bring a cocktail. And the other went to the bathroom, with his paw in the water about it, realized that no fish, and left. I also love cars, I like to drive on them. I like to shoot a gun, especially a revolver drum. I feel like a Western. Very cool!
- You would be starring in a candid photoshoot?
- This has nothing to do with what I do, and does not affect the advancement of me as a performer. Therefore, I do not see the meaning for themselves.
- In the movie, do not want to stay?
- Well, no ... I would still like to sing. Now, if I had ten platinum records, then it is possible to act in movies and nude photo shoot wag different parts of his body.
- Who's stopping you from singing and releasing records?
- Who prevents me? And any bad dancer anything necessarily interfere. Simply, there are people who interfere. And do not do it openly and secretly, it is disgusting and ugly. I throw a lasso on the leg, and instead to run or go forward, I crawl, like soldiers in the defense of the Brest Fortress were crawling over the water 50 meters. Names will not be called. I want to deal with the case. I can not sit on the couch more than a day. I can not afford a vacation, when I have nothing decided. There are people who can go on holiday somewhere. That they did not, and they do not tend to get something, to do something to somehow speed up the process ... They are just going to rest. And I do not know.
- How do you feel about the fact that Ruslan Alehno on "Eurovision-2008" in terms of appearance made your copy?
- No, we had normal relations. I was thinking that before the contest Ruslan razor broke, and he decided, "Well, if the razor broke, let it be such a feature. I shaved, such as how it should be ».
- What is the biggest nonsense you read about yourself in the media?
- What's on the "Star" I propihnul Belarusian FSB. In fact, I went to the casting on the 38th place in the second-class carriage. It is next to the toilet. The door kept banging my legs, because I'm tall and my feet were not placed on this marginalia and hung. Yes, you see photos from the casting to the "Star Academy", for them it is clear that I arrived at bokovuhe because hardly so you can play ... Sam look at them and think: Well, as a goof! My mother on the "Factory" sent. And I wanted dvizhuhi. And the fun in Moscow. I was bored in Minsk.