Google storm the last bastion in Europe

The largest search engine Seznam Czech Republic may be bought by Google for $ 1 billion. If this deal goes through, will disappear from the map of Europe the last country where a national website popular North American resources.
Czech search engine Seznam is in talks with potential buyers, and the deal could reach $ 1 billion. On it informs edition Prague Daily Monitor, citing a reliable source within the company. Czech Seznam famous because it is the only one in Europe, if it does not include Russia, a national resource, advancing at home American portals. (In 2006, Comscore published a study according to which in any Western European country among the leaders in attendance no national search engines).
The most likely buyer of Seznam is the Internet giant Google. It is also interested in buying the search engine company Warburg Pincus, which owns the second largest Czech portal Centrum, and Macquarie Capital Alliance Group, which owns the publisher of directories Mediatel.
Seznam is the largest search service in the Czech Republic - it occupies 62% of the market, despite the fact that Google's share in the country half - 29%. According to the May 2008 monthly audience of Seznam is 4, 4 million unique users. This year the company expects to earn revenues of $ 90 million - a 40% increase compared to 2007 Seznam was founded in 1996 and is the first Czech search engine. If Google would be able to buy it, its share on the Czech market will jump more than 90%. However, representatives or Seznam, Google has not given any official comment on the possible deal.
The majority of shares in the Czech Republic's most popular search engine is still owned by its founder Ivo Lukakovichu (Ivo Lukačovič). Once in April 2007, two private companies bought 30% stake in Seznam at Lycos Europe for $ 91 million, the company began is estimated at $ 300 million.
Earlier, in May 2008, the Czech press also appeared information that talks to acquire Seznam is Microsoft. If the sale Seznam still take place, it will be one of the largest transactions in the history of the European Internet market.
Apart from the Czech countries where Google gives local search engines, are Russia and China, where the lead "Yandex" and Baidu.
Recall that in the US, according to data firm Hitwise July 2008, the share of the Google search service increased to 70, 77%, 10% more compared to the same period last year and 2% more than in the past month. In second place search engine Yahoo, whose share is 18, 65%. Further there are Microsoft (5, 36%) and Ask.com (3, 53%).