Vladimir Putin: "We do not want anyone to swear, with no one to fight"

In an interview with CNN, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin first spoke openly about the fact that the armed conflict in South Ossetia is directly related to the upcoming elections in the United States.
He also suggested that the Republicans in the White House contributed to Georgia's attack on South Ossetia in order to raise the rating of the Republican candidate John McCain, has long lagged behind the ratings of Barack Obamy.Po prime minister said that the United States not only did not stop the escalation of the Georgian leadership the conflict with South Ossetia, but also trained the Georgian army for the attack on the republic:
- I was disappointed that the US administration has done nothing to stop Georgia early as the initial stage of the conflict. Why many years to conduct serious talks and seek complex compromise solutions in interethnic conflicts? It is easier to arm one side and push it to kill the other, and it's done. It seems to be such an easy decision? In fact it turns out that this is not always the case - said the Prime Minister. - I have other considerations. If my suspicions are confirmed, then the suspicion arises that someone in the US specially created this conflict to aggravate the situation and create a competitive advantage for one of the candidates for president of the United States.
The Prime Minister noted that on August 8, the day of the actual outbreak of war in the Caucasus, during the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, he talked with US President George W. Bush. During the conversation the head of the United States stated that he would like to see somewhere there was a war.
- Already at 12 o'clock local time the Georgian Armed Forces seized the peacekeepers' camp in the south of Tskhinvali. It is not, we must ensure that we are on anyone not attack. We did not attack anyone. This guarantees we demand from others to us no one else attacked, and our people did not kill anybody, - said Vladimir Putin.
Yesterday the Prime Minister said delisting suppliers of poultry meat in Russia 19, US firms. In an interview with CNN, he stressed that the economic measures taken by Russia against some US products are not associated with the events in the Caucasus.
He also noted that for the sake of membership in international organizations, Russia is not going to ignore the murder of its citizens.
- We need to allow that to kill myself, and for that we say, keep in "eight" ?, - said the prime minister. - And who will remain in the "Eight", if all of us would be killed ?, - said Putin.
Vladimir Putin noted that the conflict in Tbilisi Russia is perceived as a kind of civil war, as the culture of Georgia became part of the multinational culture of Russia. He also called Stalinist supporters of the preservation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as part of Georgia.
- When the Soviet Union was formed, the decision of Stalin these territories completely secure for Georgia. Stalin, as we know, was a Georgian by nationality. So those who insist that these areas continue to belong to Georgia - the Stalinists, they defend the decision of Joseph Stalin. But no matter what happens now, and whatever guided by the people involved in the conflict, all that we are now seeing - this is definitely a tragedy. For us it is a special tragedy, because in years of living together the Georgian culture has become, by far, part of the multinational culture of Russia. And for us it is even some shade of the Civil War, although, of course, Georgia - an independent state. No doubt about it, - said the head of the Russian government.
Asked about the possibility of excluding Russia from the "Big Eight", Vladimir Putin has called into question the effectiveness of the G8 without Russia in the fight against terrorism, drugs, infectious diseases and the prevention of WMD non-proliferation.
- I do not think we need to think about this, and do not scare anyone. Not scary at all. You just have to really be able to analyze the situation, to look into the future and to establish normal relations, respecting the interests of each other, - Putin said. - No need to create an enemy of anyone, no need to sculpt the image of the enemy, an enemy that does not need to scare their own people and trying on that basis to rally some allies.
According to him, Russia continues to rely on close cooperation with other countries, but that cooperation should be equal.
- We do not want any complications, we do not want anyone to swear, with no one to fight. We want normal cooperation and respect for us, for our interests. But we want this work to be honest, open, partner, not selfish, - concluded the Russian prime minister.
Meeting of the UN Security Council
The Security Council of the United Nations devoted to the events in the Caucasus, again ended without a resolution. Recall that the meeting was initiated by Georgia. The requirement for Russia of the need to present at a meeting of representatives of South Ossetia and Abkhazia has not been satisfied, out of solidarity with Georgia, the United States has decided not to grant them visas. The call was made at a meeting of the US and France to send international monitors to South Ossetia Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said as an attempt "to withdraw from the fire of criticism leadership of Georgia».
In response to the harsh criticism of US allies the Kremlin's actions in relation to the recognition of the independence of the republics of the Russian representative accused them of hypocrisy, prejudice and inconsistency:
- I would like to ask the distinguished representative of the United States: a weapon of mass destruction found in Iraq or are still looking for? .. And not heard any threats from Washington against another member of the UN to use force against it, and even erase it from the face of the earth? - Vitaly Churkin said. - Some members of the Security Council recall the importance to comply with Security Council resolutions and the principle of territorial integrity. Where are you, my dear colleagues, were when we were discussing Kosovo? Abkhazia and South Ossetia more grounds for independence than Kosovo.
The politician said that Russia in the first hours of the conflict addressed the Security Council at the United Nations to find a solution for a ceasefire. "Why do we not support it?" - Said Churkin, while none of those present at the meeting did not dare answer. - How did we had to respond to the fact that the Georgian troops began to wash off the face of the earth Tskhinvali? What are we to do? NATO asking for the use of force? So busy in Afghanistan, in the same Kosovo, in Iraq, the US military and NATO are busy. South Ossetia could not ask NATO for help, NATO has been engaged ... Contact South Ossetia to the Russian ...
US ambassador Alejandro Wolff moved to the topic of Abkhazia, stating that the republic's authorities demanded independence only after they themselves have started a military operation.
- Abkhazia without being crazy, did not wait until the attack Georgia even on them - Churkin countered.
Representatives of China, which is a frequent speaker at the United Nations as an ally of Russia, as well as Vietnam and Syria did not speak at a meeting. Meanwhile, yesterday the support of Russia, said Minsk:
- In this situation, Russia had no other moral choice but to support the address of South Ossetia and Abkhazia for recognition of their right to self-determination in accordance with the fundamental international instruments, - quotes the president of Belarus Lukashenko "Interfax".