In Chemistry
In the first year it has been a subject - Physical Chemistry, who led a highly respected teacher, Professor Lebedev. The main Talmud on this subject is the textbook "General Chemistry" whose author was a certain Glinka. On the part of this book is very much resembled the Old and New Testaments in one bottle. And here comes the exam. Who was more assiduous and industrious supply of "bombs". Those who polenivee have with this monster - General Chemistry Glinka. There is a test, a deathly silence, the subject difficult. At some point, one of the students can not cope with the management of this monster, and drop it on the floor. Flat. There was a sound comparable to the 12-hour shot gun on Peter and Paul Fortress. All tremble and freeze in nervous tension. Lebedev is raising its head, is the source of the sound, and a booming voice asks:
- What was that?
The student, without a moment's hesitation, blurts out:
The audience bangs. Among the general laughter hear the teacher's voice:
- Record book! Five of ingenuity !!!
And indeed I put five.
- What was that?
The student, without a moment's hesitation, blurts out:
The audience bangs. Among the general laughter hear the teacher's voice:
- Record book! Five of ingenuity !!!
And indeed I put five.