FORMULA family happiness.
How would it be strange, is not it seemed, but the formula of family happiness really exists.
Moreover, knowing the principles on which to build relationships and adding them to their proper senses as reactants in the mixture - it is possible to obtain harmony in life with your loved ones.
Do not think that the relationship with your loved ones - is something static.
Any relationship between people - it's constantly changing situations and processes. It's like the same chemistry. If you are trained and know how to mix the reagents with anything - you can get from this great benefit. If you do not know - then there is a good chance that - that screwed up.
The same applies to relationships with loved ones. So the formula of family happiness lies in the fact that we are the very first thing you need to understand - what is this karma relations. Without an understanding of the principles of life will be difficult.
And the first thing that starts with the formula of family happiness - is the beginning of the relationship between man and woman. Universal laws of the universe are so arranged that as soon as people meet and try to build relationships - manifests itself only positive human karma.
This means that both men and women will not notice the shortcomings of each other, and will receive a genuine happiness by hanging. Yes, even if the deficiencies and be visible - that they almost do not pay attention.
In principle, you do, sure, convinced of this from personal experience. And this is the first stage through which any pair. Then begins the second phase.
Whenever positive karma ends - family starts to lean heavily heavy layer of bad karma, which can only work through family relations. Or you can work through a very serious spiritual practice and spiritual self-improvement.
It is at this second stage stop completely or wallow most modern families. As I already said, you can go through this stage only through a revision of the outlook and the development of a selflessness and service to others.
And since most of today's families are created with selfish position of "I want you happiness" - no chance. I mean, when one spouse is waiting for the other, that he will make him happy. And while he does not want to do anything.
People often think to do that - we must for him, and then I actually start driving. So remember that the secret of happy families - is constantly sacrifice their time, effort, money, feelings and other things, in order to close people felt the happiness of life, is near you.
And you should start with yourself. This is serious work, and even a challenge for most people. And the other way, in fact, not. It is on this principle and was built Vedic family and this is the formula of family happiness, which leads to the well-being of a person.