Child surrounded by ...

Child, surrounded by criticism - learns to blame;
Child, surrounded by ridicule - learns to be wary;
Child, surrounded by hostility - learns to see enemies;
Child, surrounded by anger - learns to inflict pain;
Child, surrounded by misunderstanding - learning not to hear other;
Child, surrounded by deception - learn to lie;
The child is surrounded by shame - learns to feel guilty;
But at the same time:
Child, surrounded by support - learns to defend;
Child, surrounded by the expectation - learns to be patient;
Child, surrounded by praise - learns to be confident;
Child, surrounded by honesty - learning to be fair;
Child, surrounded by security - learns confidence;
Child, surrounded by endorsement - learn to respect themselves;
Child, surrounded by love - learns to love and give love;
Child, surrounded by the freedom of choice - learns to be responsible for their decisions.