Orange madlenki

Baked madlenki morning coffee, quick and tasty, but still nice).
2 eggs
0, 2 cups of sugar
0, 5 cups flour
80 g butter
1 tsp baking powder
zest of 1 orange
Beat eggs with sugar until foaming, add the sifted flour with baking powder, stir and add the zest, pour the melted butter (cooled) and then mix gently. The dough turns liquid, as pancakes. Pour the dough oval molds, filling each 2/3. Bake in a preheated 180 gr. oven until golden color (about 15 minutes). Form with cookies get ready, let stand for 10 minutes and remove the cookies, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
This is what I have read about this cookie: madlenki - this cookie in the shape of shells, known since the days of Louis XV - from the middle of the XVIII century. On one of the balls, in Paris, the Polish king maid cooked food, which created a furor among the guests, and then dessert was named after the girl - "Madeleine» (Madeleine). Recipe received confectioners Versailles, and cookies "Madeleine", will appear on the table of Louis, became a favorite dessert and famous throughout Europe. On this delicacy wrote Alexandre Dumas. And Marcel Proust immortalized simply "Madeleine" in his novel "In Search of Lost Time» ...
Madlenki traditionally baked in tins-shell.