Citrus watering, after which the spatiphyllum, begonia, geranium and orchid get high
In autumn, I always “feed” indoor flowers with oranges. In this article I will talk about citrus fertilizer. Every year, this nourishment saves my rose and geranium and other plants. Excellent. room-flower.
Fertilizer for indoor flowers Citrus - poison for pests, an excellent means for sewing plants and vases. I no longer use purchase funds after I have discovered this method.
A couple of years ago, I became more interested in learning about indoor flowers. I also had a lot of them at the time. I wanted the flowers to grow lush and beautiful. Having tried various options, I stopped at natural feeding. There is no chemistry in them, and that is why natural fertilizers are so useful for plants.
By the way, orange peels not only perfectly nourish the domestic plant, but also fight spider mite and other pests.
Usually from orange peels I make an infusion. I will tell you in detail how to prepare it. We take a liter jar and put a third of orange peels into it. Then we pour them with boiling water and leave them to brew for the day. After that, remove the crusts, and add clean water to the top of the jar. It should be a liter of feeding.
How to use: water the soil of flowers or vases with this water. In the cold season, this feeding perfectly saves plants. Watering is necessary infrequently, about once every 3-4 weeks. Also before that, I recommend wetting the soil a little with ordinary water: so the infusion will not fall into dry ground.
As a result, the flowers will grow healthy, strong and beautiful. Natural components that are found in citrus fruits perfectly fertilize the soil, saturate it with vitamin C, potassium, folic acid and fiber.
Also, orange peels can be used against pests. For this, you also need to prepare an infusion, but a little different. Take peels from three oranges, cut them finely and pour a liter of warm water. Leave the infusion for one week: it should be well infused. Then we take it out, filter it and mix it with one tablespoon of liquid soap. Dilute this solution with two more liters of water - our tool is ready.
I usually pour this solution into the sprayer and treat the leaves with it once a week. By the way, it was this method that helped me get rid of the spider mite! True, it took six treatments, but this pest finally fell behind my rose. Also, this solution helps to get rid of aphids or thrips - you can use against all types of pests for home flowers. Be sure to try – you will see: the result will definitely please you.

Fertilizer for indoor flowers Citrus - poison for pests, an excellent means for sewing plants and vases. I no longer use purchase funds after I have discovered this method.

A couple of years ago, I became more interested in learning about indoor flowers. I also had a lot of them at the time. I wanted the flowers to grow lush and beautiful. Having tried various options, I stopped at natural feeding. There is no chemistry in them, and that is why natural fertilizers are so useful for plants.

By the way, orange peels not only perfectly nourish the domestic plant, but also fight spider mite and other pests.
Usually from orange peels I make an infusion. I will tell you in detail how to prepare it. We take a liter jar and put a third of orange peels into it. Then we pour them with boiling water and leave them to brew for the day. After that, remove the crusts, and add clean water to the top of the jar. It should be a liter of feeding.

How to use: water the soil of flowers or vases with this water. In the cold season, this feeding perfectly saves plants. Watering is necessary infrequently, about once every 3-4 weeks. Also before that, I recommend wetting the soil a little with ordinary water: so the infusion will not fall into dry ground.

As a result, the flowers will grow healthy, strong and beautiful. Natural components that are found in citrus fruits perfectly fertilize the soil, saturate it with vitamin C, potassium, folic acid and fiber.
Also, orange peels can be used against pests. For this, you also need to prepare an infusion, but a little different. Take peels from three oranges, cut them finely and pour a liter of warm water. Leave the infusion for one week: it should be well infused. Then we take it out, filter it and mix it with one tablespoon of liquid soap. Dilute this solution with two more liters of water - our tool is ready.

I usually pour this solution into the sprayer and treat the leaves with it once a week. By the way, it was this method that helped me get rid of the spider mite! True, it took six treatments, but this pest finally fell behind my rose. Also, this solution helps to get rid of aphids or thrips - you can use against all types of pests for home flowers. Be sure to try – you will see: the result will definitely please you.
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