After watering her favorite lilies of the world, my mom does one thing, new buds are hard to count.

The owners of women's happiness often complain: Spatiphyllum doesn't bloom. But what could that have to do with? Together with the editorial board "Site" Let's look at this topical issue. And we will also share with you an effective and budget fertilizer recipe for a popular flower.

Spatiphyllum does not bloom Spatiphyllum - a plant that can decorate any house. No wonder it is called the happiness of women! It's incredibly beautiful and delicate. Its large green leaves and delicate white flowers will transform any interior.

In addition to its aesthetic appearance, spatiphyllum also has many useful properties. For example, it purifies the air in the room from such harmful compounds as formaldehydes, xylenes and toluenes. And also from benzenes, ammonia and trichloroethylene. The flower synthesizes oxygen and absorbs excess moisture in the room.

Spatiphyllum blooms, as a rule, from the beginning of spring to late autumn. Its flowers look like lilies, hence another name for the lily of the world. This flower is native to Central and South America and Oceania. It grows in a shady area of tropical forests. Therefore, at home does not tolerate direct sunlight. From this, its leaves can be covered with brown spots.

In itself, the plant spatiphyllum unpretentious in care. But you can often hear from the hostess that the spatiphyllum does not bloom. Let's figure out what conditions will be favorable for the lily of peace. As we have already noted, Spatiphyllum does not like direct sunlight. Therefore, it should be placed in the penumbra.

This plant has a very delicate root system, because the flower does not tolerate cold and hard water. This water causes brown spots on the leaves. Also, due to the stagnation of water in the pot, mold may appear and the flower may die.

In order for the spatiphyllum to please with its greenery and abundant flowering, it should be watered with settled water at room temperature. You can add nitrogen fertilizers to it. Such fertilizer should be treated with caution. It gives strength to the growth of the plant, but does not help it to bloom.

Peels also prefers humid air. Do not forget to spray the plant. In summer, this should be done more often, and in winter it is enough once a week. Do not let the roots of the plant stay in water for a long time. After watering after a while, pour the water, which glass from the lower holes of the pot.

If you fulfill all these simple requirements, then after a short time you will notice how the spatiphyllum will acquire a rich green color. And to achieve abundant flowering of the lily of the world, use a simple recipe.

This method is incredibly effective and quite budgetary. All you're gonna need is Standing water at room temperature and yeast. Yeast can be used both dry and wet.

Add the yeast to a small amount of water and mix well so that they completely dissolve. Then mix them with plenty of water. Water this solution spatiphyllum regularly, and after a short time you will see the result. The flower will thank you with abundant flowering, and the flowers will be large and beautiful.

Living flowers in the house are always very beautiful and aesthetic. And caring for them brings relaxation and calming of the nervous system. What flowers are in your house and how do you care for them?


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