How to achieve the flowering of the Decembrist Christmas
Friends, we have received many questions about how to achieve intense flowering of the Decembrists. Therefore, we have prepared an article with useful tips!
Rodstvenniki are undemanding plants, but they need to be able to take care of. There are secrets, following which you will achieve even flowering of a plant that does not bloom for several years. Usually people make 5 common mistakes that we will examine today!
Wrong temperature
The first common mistake when growing Decembrist is not suitable for the flower temperature. The temperature should not be less than 15 degrees. That is, rodstvennik better not to keep on the balcony, even if it is glazed. Always with the onset of the first frost, around the beginning of Nov and not end of November, bring your flower in the house. Also best not to leave your flower in the draft. If you are going to overcool your pet, then it can damage the root system and the flower will begin to wither. For normal growth optimum temperature between 16-20 degrees, with the formation of buds is considered the optimum temperature of 12-14 degrees, and at flowering to 15 degrees.
Too abundant watering
Often, if you really pour your flower, it may start to drop leaves. And then it's a 100% guarantee that your flower will not bloom. The Decembrist rising in places where he does not receive more moisture, so it is not a lot of water. Try to change the soil, remove the missing roots, transplant the flower, and then a little water. Slumber need to be watered when the top layer of soil in the pot dry. Will be enough to water the Decembrist every 4 days!
Too large a pot
Often people think that the bigger the pot in which the plant is planted, the better it will be. But in fact, not all plants have the root system is so developed. Decembrists should be planted in a container as small as possible (depending on their volume). Your pot needs to be 3 times smaller than the length of the stem. In nature, this flower, like all parasitic plants, has a very undeveloped root system, as they are parasitic on trees in tropical forests. Then the whole strength of the plants goes into the formation of the stem and buds. But if you put the Decembrist in a pot of large volume, then it will actively develop the root system, the roots will start to climb to the surface, and the flower will not develop, and accordingly will not and blossom.
Transplant Decembrist, but in this dish to the old bowl came and went freely in the new. It should be about 1-2 centimeters more than the former. From the frequency of a transplant depends on the profusion of flowering and proper growth. But there is another method how to make so that the root system of the flower did not climb out. This should rejuvenate the flower. That is, we have a kind of pasynkovat: cut off verhushechku — and then only young pagon plants.
No rest
The Decembrists were zimnetsvetuschie plants. For abundant flowering they need a little rest – from mid-October until around the end of November. During this period the temperature drops to 15 degrees, and watering is made only once in two weeks, and tea spoons.
If the temperature is higher, then watered once a week, but not often. This procedure is the so-called recreation perform 50 days before you want your flower bloomed. If you have not done this procedure in October of this year, can do it now, then your flower needs to bloom in early February.
If you want the flower bloom in the spring, then repeat the procedure from Jan. But remember that in this period, the duration of daylight should not exceed 8 hours.
Also, slumber should be regularly sprayed to increase humidity. Do not forget that this is a tropical plant that grows in the air with high humidity.
Direct sunlight Decembrist't stand: the flower may even blush (tan) from the heat, and when scattered light is observed good growth and abundant flowering. That the plant bloomed in winter, summer on the window where the flower grows, it is desirable to hang the diffuser cloth or paper. It is best to grow it on the window on the East side.
Change pitoyablement flower
There's one bug that makes it impossible to see the wonderful flowering of shlumberge. In any case, to change pitoyablement flower! You can move from window to desktop or Vice versa, but do not turn the flower around its axis. Then all your buds may crumble. They can also fall, if there are a lot of buds and the plant is "not afford" to produce as many flowers. In this case you have to crop part of the blossoms. Remember that each pagon should be no more than 4-5 buds, then the plant should cope with them.
Care rules
The period of active growth of rodstvennika from March to August. At this time the flower can be actively watered and fed. Since August, reduce watering and remove the dressing.
The end of flowering and again a period of rest. Reduce the frequency of watering and temperature. Hold the flower on podokonnike. 1 to 2 week watering. Until the beginning of March.
After the purchase of the Decembrist it needs to be transplanted. For a start, put in a pot drainage: small stones, and expanded clay is placed a layer of about 2 inches. Rodstvennik loves a mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand. Because the roots of the flower can rot, add the ground charcoal.
Also rodstvenniki pink, orange, beige and white colors tend to change its color. For example, in autumn they bloom faded, and in the spring the color is more bright and saturated. This is directly related to solar activity. Only red and purple Decembrist never changes color. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/public44431169?w=wall-44431169_326254
Rodstvenniki are undemanding plants, but they need to be able to take care of. There are secrets, following which you will achieve even flowering of a plant that does not bloom for several years. Usually people make 5 common mistakes that we will examine today!
Wrong temperature
The first common mistake when growing Decembrist is not suitable for the flower temperature. The temperature should not be less than 15 degrees. That is, rodstvennik better not to keep on the balcony, even if it is glazed. Always with the onset of the first frost, around the beginning of Nov and not end of November, bring your flower in the house. Also best not to leave your flower in the draft. If you are going to overcool your pet, then it can damage the root system and the flower will begin to wither. For normal growth optimum temperature between 16-20 degrees, with the formation of buds is considered the optimum temperature of 12-14 degrees, and at flowering to 15 degrees.

Too abundant watering
Often, if you really pour your flower, it may start to drop leaves. And then it's a 100% guarantee that your flower will not bloom. The Decembrist rising in places where he does not receive more moisture, so it is not a lot of water. Try to change the soil, remove the missing roots, transplant the flower, and then a little water. Slumber need to be watered when the top layer of soil in the pot dry. Will be enough to water the Decembrist every 4 days!
Too large a pot
Often people think that the bigger the pot in which the plant is planted, the better it will be. But in fact, not all plants have the root system is so developed. Decembrists should be planted in a container as small as possible (depending on their volume). Your pot needs to be 3 times smaller than the length of the stem. In nature, this flower, like all parasitic plants, has a very undeveloped root system, as they are parasitic on trees in tropical forests. Then the whole strength of the plants goes into the formation of the stem and buds. But if you put the Decembrist in a pot of large volume, then it will actively develop the root system, the roots will start to climb to the surface, and the flower will not develop, and accordingly will not and blossom.
Transplant Decembrist, but in this dish to the old bowl came and went freely in the new. It should be about 1-2 centimeters more than the former. From the frequency of a transplant depends on the profusion of flowering and proper growth. But there is another method how to make so that the root system of the flower did not climb out. This should rejuvenate the flower. That is, we have a kind of pasynkovat: cut off verhushechku — and then only young pagon plants.
No rest
The Decembrists were zimnetsvetuschie plants. For abundant flowering they need a little rest – from mid-October until around the end of November. During this period the temperature drops to 15 degrees, and watering is made only once in two weeks, and tea spoons.
If the temperature is higher, then watered once a week, but not often. This procedure is the so-called recreation perform 50 days before you want your flower bloomed. If you have not done this procedure in October of this year, can do it now, then your flower needs to bloom in early February.
If you want the flower bloom in the spring, then repeat the procedure from Jan. But remember that in this period, the duration of daylight should not exceed 8 hours.
Also, slumber should be regularly sprayed to increase humidity. Do not forget that this is a tropical plant that grows in the air with high humidity.
Direct sunlight Decembrist't stand: the flower may even blush (tan) from the heat, and when scattered light is observed good growth and abundant flowering. That the plant bloomed in winter, summer on the window where the flower grows, it is desirable to hang the diffuser cloth or paper. It is best to grow it on the window on the East side.
Change pitoyablement flower
There's one bug that makes it impossible to see the wonderful flowering of shlumberge. In any case, to change pitoyablement flower! You can move from window to desktop or Vice versa, but do not turn the flower around its axis. Then all your buds may crumble. They can also fall, if there are a lot of buds and the plant is "not afford" to produce as many flowers. In this case you have to crop part of the blossoms. Remember that each pagon should be no more than 4-5 buds, then the plant should cope with them.
Care rules
The period of active growth of rodstvennika from March to August. At this time the flower can be actively watered and fed. Since August, reduce watering and remove the dressing.
The end of flowering and again a period of rest. Reduce the frequency of watering and temperature. Hold the flower on podokonnike. 1 to 2 week watering. Until the beginning of March.
After the purchase of the Decembrist it needs to be transplanted. For a start, put in a pot drainage: small stones, and expanded clay is placed a layer of about 2 inches. Rodstvennik loves a mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand. Because the roots of the flower can rot, add the ground charcoal.
Also rodstvenniki pink, orange, beige and white colors tend to change its color. For example, in autumn they bloom faded, and in the spring the color is more bright and saturated. This is directly related to solar activity. Only red and purple Decembrist never changes color. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/public44431169?w=wall-44431169_326254
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