Decembrist instead of lush flowering began to wither and crumble, urgently do feeding
Decembrist is a beautiful plant that adorns our windowsills in the midst of winter frosts. Sometimes it is very capricious: it does not want to grow and loses its flowers. But don't get upset. Today we will understand why the Decembrist does not bloom and how to help him renew himself.
Editorial "Site" He tells how to feed the Decembrist, who began to wither and crumble.
There are several main reasons why the Decembrist refuses to bloom. The first reason is insufficient lighting. The plant loves scattered light, without direct sunlight. It only needs 2 to 4 hours of intense sunlight. And in the autumn-winter period, the Decembrist needs 12 hours of total darkness to rest.
The second reason is the wrong temperature. Often novice growers overheat the plant, growing it at too high a temperature. It's really slowing it down. Decembrist feels comfortable at a temperature of +19 degrees. Also, do not forget about the regularity of watering. It needs to be moisturized once a week. The earth should not be allowed to dry up.
It may also be that the pot for the plant is too big. It spends a lot of energy on the development of the root system and can not bloom. Or the cause may be pests, such as a spider mite.
One of the main reasons is the lack of fertilizer. Decembrist badly needs feeding containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. You can buy a special product. As always, we have a simple home remedy.
The ideal fertilizer for the Decembrist will be feeding on the basis of bananas. All you have to do is save the banana peel. Cut it into small pieces, put it in a bowl and pour water. Give this mixture to brew for at least an hour (can be longer). Then pour the plant with this water. Banana peel contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, which are so necessary for the Decembrist.
Such an infusion can be done for each watering. And it is suitable not only for the Decembrist, but also for other flowering plants. This is a budget fertilizer without chemicals that can be used without any fears.
After a couple of such feedings, the Decembrist will gain strength and will please you with flowering until spring. The main thing - do not forget to adhere to all the rules of care for the Decembrist and regularly feed him. Then the plant will please you with wild flowering for a long time. Do you have a Decembrist flower? You can share photos of your plants in the comments. We'd be delighted!

Editorial "Site" He tells how to feed the Decembrist, who began to wither and crumble.
There are several main reasons why the Decembrist refuses to bloom. The first reason is insufficient lighting. The plant loves scattered light, without direct sunlight. It only needs 2 to 4 hours of intense sunlight. And in the autumn-winter period, the Decembrist needs 12 hours of total darkness to rest.

The second reason is the wrong temperature. Often novice growers overheat the plant, growing it at too high a temperature. It's really slowing it down. Decembrist feels comfortable at a temperature of +19 degrees. Also, do not forget about the regularity of watering. It needs to be moisturized once a week. The earth should not be allowed to dry up.
It may also be that the pot for the plant is too big. It spends a lot of energy on the development of the root system and can not bloom. Or the cause may be pests, such as a spider mite.

One of the main reasons is the lack of fertilizer. Decembrist badly needs feeding containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. You can buy a special product. As always, we have a simple home remedy.

The ideal fertilizer for the Decembrist will be feeding on the basis of bananas. All you have to do is save the banana peel. Cut it into small pieces, put it in a bowl and pour water. Give this mixture to brew for at least an hour (can be longer). Then pour the plant with this water. Banana peel contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, which are so necessary for the Decembrist.

Such an infusion can be done for each watering. And it is suitable not only for the Decembrist, but also for other flowering plants. This is a budget fertilizer without chemicals that can be used without any fears.

After a couple of such feedings, the Decembrist will gain strength and will please you with flowering until spring. The main thing - do not forget to adhere to all the rules of care for the Decembrist and regularly feed him. Then the plant will please you with wild flowering for a long time. Do you have a Decembrist flower? You can share photos of your plants in the comments. We'd be delighted!
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