How to make the Decembrist bloom and what to feed in October

It's hard to believe there is. spinelessHe hates the sun and loves water. As you might have guessed, this is a Decembrist flower. Its name has nothing to do with Russian history, only with the fact that it blooms in the midst of tropical summer, namely from late November to January.

Nothing decorates a house like a beautiful plant. But very often the Decembrist does not give the desired flowering, which is incredibly beautiful. And all because it has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account when caring. About how to turn the Decembrist into a real property of the house, you will be happy to tell the editors "Site".

Many people make the mistake of caring for the Decembrist as an ordinary cactus. It can not be left without care and not watered for a long time or put in a room with very dry air. And with good care, it will please you with a luxurious bouquet for the New Year for 15-20 years! To do this, you need to follow simple rules.

Rules of care for the Decembrist
  1. Remember: the Decembrist is uncomfortable on the south and west sides, as heavy lighting can cause the end segments of the plant to die off. The air temperature in the room with a flower should be at least 15 degrees.

  2. In the summer, it is better to move it to the balcony or terrace, because it needs air. And don’t forget to spray it with water every day.
  3. Decembrist refers to those capricious plants that should not be disturbed at the time of budding: move from place to place and even turn the pot with the plant. It's important.

  4. With the arrival of spring, the Decembrist needs monthly feeding with complex fertilizer for flowers. Just keep in mind that you need to use half the dose specified in the instructions. In summer, the intensive growth of stems begins, so you need to feed the flower 2 times a month. Stop feeding from September.

  5. Do not cut off the extra part of the escape, but unscrew it manually, giving the plant a beautiful shape. The plants formed in this way have an attractive appearance and bloom more abundantly.
  6. Replant Decembrist It will be in late February when it will stop blooming. Important point: transplant young plants annually, and adults - once every 5 years. Choose wide and low pots. The drainage layer should fill the pot by a third. Suitable as store soil and homemade: mix one part of sod land and sand and two parts of leaf land, for disinfection add crushed coal. And for good permeability, add ceramzite.

  7. From the beginning of December, the flower should be transferred to a well-lit room, but not under direct rays of light, and abundantly watered. It will wake up and blossom.

Editorial Board
When the Decembrist fades, gradually reduce the watering, placing it in a cool place where the flower will stand until the end of March, resting after flowering. At the end of March, the plant begins its vegetative period, so transfer the flower to its usual place and follow our advice.
Tell us if you have secret techniques that ensure the rapid flowering of houseplants. Don’t forget to share useful information with your friends!


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