Experts beg not to plant geraniums, there are serious reasons
You can often see people growing. geraniumOn the balcony or even indoors. This popularity of the plant is understandable, because it blooms long and beautifully. Moreover, it is simple to care for geranium, it is unpretentious, which is insanely liked by novice flower growers. But there's a catch.
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you why many people should think carefully before planting geranium, which is also called pelargony. And the closer a person has this houseplant to his home, the more dangerous. So what can we expect from geranium?
The first thing to say is that geranium is considered the strongest allergen. And if the body of a particular person reacts poorly to pollen, then the neighborhood with geranium will not benefit him. Allergic reactions here are different: from cough and runny nose to tearing and even Quincke's edema. The latter poses a very real threat to life.
The pungent smell of geranium Not everyone will like it either. And to feel this smell even more, you just need to rub the leaves of pelargonium with your fingers. By the way, the smell of leaves to many people seems even more unbearable than the smell of flowers themselves.
If there are curious animals in the house, then geranium can become a source of constant danger for them. For cats, pelargonium is poisonous (especially leaves). The slightest contact with this difficult plant can end for a tailed pet with a digestive disorder (and this is not the worst outcome).
Pelargonium is also dangerous for dogs, but it can bring even more harm to small animals like hamsters, mice or rabbits. The owners of such pets should not keep geranium in sight and in an accessible place.
Geranium attracts bees. However, from the cute terry flowers that people like so much, insects can not get nectar and pollen. Such useless labor harms bees and may even reduce their population.
And those who believe in omens and superstitions, geraniums are completely afraid of fire. After all, it is believed that pelargonium survives from the home of all males. This flower is sometimes called a symbol of eternal loneliness.
Women’s happiness and geranium do not coexist under the same roof. It is said that a strong flower does not want to share the attention and love of its owner with anyone else. Therefore, either banishes the male sex or does not let him into the house. Here's the thing...
Still, geranium has positive sides. So, the sharp smell of this plant scares off flies, mosquitoes, moths and other annoying insects. Pelargonium can even clean the air and make it fresher.
The smell of geranium can calm the nervous system and improve mood for those people who consider such a sharp smell quite acceptable. And the juice of the plant is often used to prevent and even treat various diseases.
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with growing geranium in small quantities outside the home. However, even here it is better to combine pelargonium with other flowering plants. Especially welcome are experts in combining geranium with lavender, chamomile, cornflowers, lilies.
How do you feel about geranium? Do you love and grow in the house? Or are you trying to avoid it? Share your opinion in the comments with other readers. Find out what secrets the money tree holds.

And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you why many people should think carefully before planting geranium, which is also called pelargony. And the closer a person has this houseplant to his home, the more dangerous. So what can we expect from geranium?
The first thing to say is that geranium is considered the strongest allergen. And if the body of a particular person reacts poorly to pollen, then the neighborhood with geranium will not benefit him. Allergic reactions here are different: from cough and runny nose to tearing and even Quincke's edema. The latter poses a very real threat to life.

The pungent smell of geranium Not everyone will like it either. And to feel this smell even more, you just need to rub the leaves of pelargonium with your fingers. By the way, the smell of leaves to many people seems even more unbearable than the smell of flowers themselves.
If there are curious animals in the house, then geranium can become a source of constant danger for them. For cats, pelargonium is poisonous (especially leaves). The slightest contact with this difficult plant can end for a tailed pet with a digestive disorder (and this is not the worst outcome).

Pelargonium is also dangerous for dogs, but it can bring even more harm to small animals like hamsters, mice or rabbits. The owners of such pets should not keep geranium in sight and in an accessible place.
Geranium attracts bees. However, from the cute terry flowers that people like so much, insects can not get nectar and pollen. Such useless labor harms bees and may even reduce their population.

And those who believe in omens and superstitions, geraniums are completely afraid of fire. After all, it is believed that pelargonium survives from the home of all males. This flower is sometimes called a symbol of eternal loneliness.
Women’s happiness and geranium do not coexist under the same roof. It is said that a strong flower does not want to share the attention and love of its owner with anyone else. Therefore, either banishes the male sex or does not let him into the house. Here's the thing...

Still, geranium has positive sides. So, the sharp smell of this plant scares off flies, mosquitoes, moths and other annoying insects. Pelargonium can even clean the air and make it fresher.
The smell of geranium can calm the nervous system and improve mood for those people who consider such a sharp smell quite acceptable. And the juice of the plant is often used to prevent and even treat various diseases.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with growing geranium in small quantities outside the home. However, even here it is better to combine pelargonium with other flowering plants. Especially welcome are experts in combining geranium with lavender, chamomile, cornflowers, lilies.
How do you feel about geranium? Do you love and grow in the house? Or are you trying to avoid it? Share your opinion in the comments with other readers. Find out what secrets the money tree holds.
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