An aunt who has been working as an agronomist for 20 years told what solution even old seeds will germinate with
Any experienced gardener will tell you how important it is. treatment of seeds before sowing. It doesn’t matter if you put them in open ground or in seedlings. There are different methods by which you can treat the seed before planting. Exactly how to do this, we will explain in detail later in the article.
Treatment of seeds before sowing has several purposes. First, it is necessary to protect plants from diseases and pests. The problem is that they can be on the surface or inside the seeds. To treat them, fungicides, insecticides or other means are used to protect seeds and plants from insects, fungal and other infections.
Secondly, through processing, you can accelerate the germination of seeds. As a result, you will get faster growth of plants. In addition, it can increase yield and improve its quality. For this procedure, special growth regulators can be used, as well as means that will provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients.
Also, treating seeds, you increase their resistance to various stress factors. For example, drought, heat, cold and other triggers. It will also save you time and money. Chances are that if you don’t process the seeds before sowing, you’ll need more fertilizers, pesticides, and other plant care products.
There are a lot of purchased and already ready-made tools for processing seeds. You can easily buy them at any gardening store. But we prefer to use proven folk life hacks. Often such funds cost mere pennies, and work no worse than store expensive analogues.
So, to prepare this miracle remedy, you will need only 2 main components and water. These are salicylic acid (only a 2% solution is required) and 10% ammonia. Mix 100 ml of water at room temperature, 20 drops of salicylic acid and 8 drops of ammonia. If you make a mistake by a few drops, there will be no tragedy.
Since ammonia evaporates quickly, it makes no sense to prepare such a tool for the future. You do it, you use it right away. To do this, it is enough to moisten paper towels in solution, put them in a container and place seeds on top. And then cover with another napkin soaked in ammonia mixture.
Remove the container with seeds in the heat before the first shoots. When the seeds are planted, it means they can be transplanted.
This is not the only way to treat the seeds. At home, it is simple and easy to do in the following ways. For example, ordinary hydrogen peroxide works perfectly. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of peroxide in 1 liter of water. The seeds are soaked in this solution for several hours. This method will help destroy bacteria and fungi on the surface of the seeds.
Also make a solution based on baking soda: 1 tablespoon of the product is diluted in 1 liter of water. Seeds should be soaked in the resulting mixture for a couple of hours. Soda will help destroy fungi and pathogenic microorganisms. Try adding 2 drops of iodine to 1 liter of water. Soak the seeds in the old pattern. This method will destroy bacteria and fungi on the seeds.
With disinfection of the surface of seeds perfectly copes with a solution of manganese. To prepare it, add a few permanganate crystals in 1 liter of water. Soak the seeds in this solution for no more than 2 hours. Done!
Well, the simplest remedy is garlic solution. Several cloves of garlic need to be crushed and poured with water for a couple of hours. Further, seeds are placed in the solution, and after 2-3 hours they can already be planted on seedlings.
As you can see, everything brilliant is simple. It would be great if you could tell me what kind of seed treatment you use. Wait for you downstairs!

Treatment of seeds before sowing has several purposes. First, it is necessary to protect plants from diseases and pests. The problem is that they can be on the surface or inside the seeds. To treat them, fungicides, insecticides or other means are used to protect seeds and plants from insects, fungal and other infections.
Secondly, through processing, you can accelerate the germination of seeds. As a result, you will get faster growth of plants. In addition, it can increase yield and improve its quality. For this procedure, special growth regulators can be used, as well as means that will provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients.

Also, treating seeds, you increase their resistance to various stress factors. For example, drought, heat, cold and other triggers. It will also save you time and money. Chances are that if you don’t process the seeds before sowing, you’ll need more fertilizers, pesticides, and other plant care products.
There are a lot of purchased and already ready-made tools for processing seeds. You can easily buy them at any gardening store. But we prefer to use proven folk life hacks. Often such funds cost mere pennies, and work no worse than store expensive analogues.

So, to prepare this miracle remedy, you will need only 2 main components and water. These are salicylic acid (only a 2% solution is required) and 10% ammonia. Mix 100 ml of water at room temperature, 20 drops of salicylic acid and 8 drops of ammonia. If you make a mistake by a few drops, there will be no tragedy.
Since ammonia evaporates quickly, it makes no sense to prepare such a tool for the future. You do it, you use it right away. To do this, it is enough to moisten paper towels in solution, put them in a container and place seeds on top. And then cover with another napkin soaked in ammonia mixture.

Remove the container with seeds in the heat before the first shoots. When the seeds are planted, it means they can be transplanted.
This is not the only way to treat the seeds. At home, it is simple and easy to do in the following ways. For example, ordinary hydrogen peroxide works perfectly. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of peroxide in 1 liter of water. The seeds are soaked in this solution for several hours. This method will help destroy bacteria and fungi on the surface of the seeds.

Also make a solution based on baking soda: 1 tablespoon of the product is diluted in 1 liter of water. Seeds should be soaked in the resulting mixture for a couple of hours. Soda will help destroy fungi and pathogenic microorganisms. Try adding 2 drops of iodine to 1 liter of water. Soak the seeds in the old pattern. This method will destroy bacteria and fungi on the seeds.
With disinfection of the surface of seeds perfectly copes with a solution of manganese. To prepare it, add a few permanganate crystals in 1 liter of water. Soak the seeds in this solution for no more than 2 hours. Done!

Well, the simplest remedy is garlic solution. Several cloves of garlic need to be crushed and poured with water for a couple of hours. Further, seeds are placed in the solution, and after 2-3 hours they can already be planted on seedlings.
As you can see, everything brilliant is simple. It would be great if you could tell me what kind of seed treatment you use. Wait for you downstairs!
Experts beg not to plant geraniums, there are serious reasons
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