Return to the past, in the Soviet Union (27 photos)

The author of this work recreates scenes from the life of the Soviet era.
It turns out he has a very good.
Must see.


"My father came»

"A little bit of the past. About shaving »

"Pancakes with jam»

"At lunchtime»


"Evening reading»

"Harvesting fruits and berries»

"Replacement Nipples»

"Sketch with arithmometer»

"The writ of execution»

"Rubik's Cube»


"Medical Card»

"About Sewing - bytё»


"Tea with dryers»

"Finally Home»

"Still Life with changeover calendar»

"A little bit of the past»

"A little bit of the past»

"Letters of war. Front-line "triangles»




"Broken Egg»