12 Signs That The Person You're Talking To May Be Betraying You

In a world of high stakes and quick decisions, the question of trust is always relevant.
As a journalist with years of experience in observing people, whether at social gatherings, on the sidelines of large corporations.
Or in informal conversations in close circles, I often witness stories of betrayal.
And, from bitter experience, I can say one thing: when a person is prone to betrayal, it is rarely a sudden thunder from a clear sky.
If you look more closely at his behavior, you can see subtle signals that clearly indicate that,
He may turn his back on you in the future.

Below, I’ve compiled 12 key signs you can use to identify a potential traitor.
These observations are made on the basis of real situations, as well as based on the work of psychologists.
Discover the nature of deception and the destruction of trust in relationships.
Remember that each individual sign does not always indicate one hundred percent betrayal.
However, when there are too many coincidences, it is a wake-up call.
1. Excessive secrecy
If a person tries hard not to involve you in his life,
If you dodge direct answers and are afraid of exposure, it can be a sign of willingness to betray.
The secretiveness that reaches the point of paranoia often betrays people whose intentions are not entirely pure.
2. Excess curiosity about your weaknesses
When a person asks questions, trying to find out the most vulnerable areas in your personal or professional life.
You should be careful. A traitor can look for your vulnerabilities in advance so that, at the right time, they can be exploited.
3. Incoherent behaviour
He says one thing today and the opposite tomorrow.
This inconsistency indicates either self-doubt or that the person is thinking through several scenarios.
which he may play in the future.
4. Unfounded criticism of others
People who are willing to betray often like to put others in a bad light.
Constant criticism without constructive suggestions and schadenfreude at the mistakes of others are the right signals of this.
That person doesn't mind taking advantage of anyone else's failure.

5. Words don't match deeds.
“Test people by deeds, not by words” is the eternal truth.
If your interlocutor promised mountains, but never keeps his words, a very unpleasant surprise is possible in the future.
A small discrepancy between promises and deeds can be a projection of a much more serious betrayal.
6. Constant concern for their own benefit
Selfishness in its pure form is certainly not an automatic sign of betrayal.
However, when benefit comes first for a person and he does not think about compromises,
You can expect a turn of events in which you are simply “sold”.
7. Excessive desire for control
If your friend or partner is trying to keep the situation (and you) under total control,
It doesn't leave you any personal space. Such a person can manipulate you.
It takes the relationship to a shaky edge where betrayal becomes only a matter of time.
8. Frequently neglecting your feelings
A person who doesn’t care how you feel, and who easily ignores your experiences.
There is no question of the moral consequences of betrayal.
Disrespect for feelings always becomes an ominous harbinger of readiness for dishonest actions.
9. Persistent “accidental” information leaks
Do you notice that the secret you told “just between us” suddenly becomes known to others?
If this is repeated from time to time, there are high chances that your interlocutor openly gives you and will do it further.

10. There's no guilt.
People who are prone to betrayal often feel no guilt, even at obvious damage.
inflicted on another person. They can deftly justify their actions by shifting responsibility to circumstances or to the victim.
11. Underestimating your importance
When your contributions are devalued and your successes diminished, it can mean that the person is ready at any moment.
rewrite history by making you a minor figure. Hence the step towards betrayal, the perceived sense that your role is not so important.
12. Frequent use of the kindness of others
If your friend or co-worker regularly uses your responsiveness,
Knowing that you cannot refuse, beware.
This behavior can turn into manipulation, when one day the person simply “sells” you.
I sucked everything I could.
Attention to detail is the key to security in all kinds of human relationships.
Whether it is friendship, love or business partnership. Of course, you can't live in constant suspicion.
But if your internal signals are alarmed too often,
It is better to defend your interests in time.
Value yourself and don’t let potential traitors take you by surprise.
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