Five years ago, I suddenly lost my talent, I think it was stolen by a person who initially lacked stars from the sky.

Is it possible to steal talent, luck or beauty? Esotericists say: Yes, it is possible. Bad people can do this with the help of a special magical effect - a thief. What is it, how does it work, and is there protection – prayer from a thief? Our subscribers share their experience.

I have a suspicion that my talent was stolen by one person who initially lacked stars from the sky.

I graduated from the vocal faculty of the Odessa National Music Academy with a red diploma. Since 8 years of professionally engaged in vocals. Music school, best teachers, competitions, big and small victories. I knew from my childhood that singing would become my life’s work, my craft. It couldn't have been any other way!

But 5 years ago there was a real disaster. I started having problems with sound extraction. I wasn't able to take a single note cleanly. I couldn't sing anymore.

While I was hanging out in the mundane and going to the doctors in vain, something else happened. My classmate Galya, who studied at the paid department, suddenly sang! And she sang well. In the academy, due to very weak vocal data, she was taken to the budget. No one understood why she was wasting her time and money if she had no talent. And now she's doing something. Sings at the Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre in Odessa.

Coincidence or malice? And it all happened after I lost my voice. Is it a coincidence? Until that moment, Galya was a gray mouse, unremarkable. All the laurels of glory prophesied to me, and they were condescending to her only because she tried very hard. Even during her studies, she met with a sloppy abuser. And now he is preparing to marry a beautiful and successful young businessman.

Why did I mention her personal life? Again, this madam found her love right after I was in trouble. Before that, I was lucky with men, to put it mildly. They kept me out. I was cared for by rich guys, helped financially. We drove to expensive restaurants and fashionable elite clubs.

Galka had no such joys in life. I'm not talking about her vocals. She didn't get it at all. She was lying, her voice was frankly weak. And I often caught her envious eyes when we sang on the same stage. She was also jealous of other students.

Yeah, you got my point right. I'm sure Galina stole my talent. And not just mine! Take our other successful classmates. All who sang better than her had naturally strong voices. And now they're at best singing in a choir or teaching in a music school. And this lady is all chocolate!

By the way, friends pushed me to the idea of stealing talent. One day we were sitting in a cafe, talking about our business, about life. I am not inclined to dramatize and throw out all the background about personal even close people. But it's kind of ripped. And I told my friends my story. In the end, I just burst into tears with despair, and I was soldered with mint tea for a long time.

And then the guys assumed that I just might be jealous. But I had no such thoughts. Why should I be jealous? I'm not a celebrity, not Montserrat Caballe. And this girl came to mind...

My friends said I might be wearing a robber. They explained to me that it is such a magical effect when your energy field is changed to someone else’s projection. Some were poor, for example. He gave his wealth to others and took it away.

With the help of a thief, you can steal health, youth and beauty. And for the thief to work, the victim (the donor) must be of the same sex, rich, successful and, preferably, like an energy thief. By the way, with Galya we are really remotely similar. Shortly before I lost my voice, she did my hair, and she dyed it in a similar tone.

Prayer from the thief protective How to cope with the evil influence? I was advised to turn to God. It turns out that there is a special prayer from the thief. It sounds like this:

“Holy Angel of God, save me, a sinner, from evil eyes and evil intentions. Save me, weak and weak, from dashing people. Do not leave me, holy angel, in a difficult time. Do not let those who forget God destroy the Christian soul. Forgive all my sins, if any, have mercy on me, the damned and unworthy, and save me from certain destruction in the hands of evil people. To you, Angel of Christ, I call with such a plea, unworthy. As you drive demons out of man, so cast danger out of my way. Amen.

I read it three times a day and hope my talent comes back to me. It's not fair when someone decides to take what doesn't belong to them! A person who does this does not want to change or work on himself. How long will the stolen good bring him happiness, that is the question. The boomerang law has not been abolished.

Do you believe that talent can be stolen? Share your opinion in the comments.


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