Inventor from Kharkiv has developed a solar concentrator that will solve the problem of providing the house with heat and hot water
It is not the first year that people who fight for the environment pay attention to a variety of alternative energy sources. Well, if we recall the situation that has now developed in Ukraine, when every opportunity to receive additional energy resources, worth its weight in gold, then the invention of Kharkiv citizen. Alexandra Sogokon It could be a real breakthrough.
Peels Alternative energy sources Let’s first understand what we are talking about. By and large, traditional are those energy sources that are based on fossil fuels (oil, gas, etc.). In other words, sooner or later they will end, and then humanity will have to adapt to new conditions.
Alternative sources are those that will be with us as long as humanity exists. We are talking about solar energy, wind, geothermal sources, water energy and even the ability to receive energy from the products of life of living organisms.
So, the invention of the Kharkiv citizen is essentially a solar concentrator, which was invented long before Alexander. So let's first talk about what formed the basis of his creation.
Youtube Helio Hub is a device that uses optical devices to focus solar energy on a small surface. At the same time, it is important that he also tracks the movement of the light across the sky. Thus, the amount of solar radiation will be maximum.
For a long time, such devices began to be used in a variety of solar power plants and not only. Most solar concentrators have limitations regarding their size and power.
What did Alexander Sogokon come up with? It was impossible to build large solar concentrators because of sailing. In other words, the wind could easily destroy such a device. But Alexander's invention relieves us of these limitations. Its concentrator consists of narrow planes, between which air circulation can safely occur.
What does this give us? Now the size of the hub can increase significantly, which will increase its productivity. In addition, Alexander simplified the system of tracking the sun. The focal area of its concentrator does not follow the luminary, unlike all its predecessors.
The inventor himself claims that almost any load can be connected to his hub. You just need to choose replaceable blocks that will be configured for certain tasks. Sogokon believes that now the use of solar energy is limited only by human imagination.
In connection with such inventions, many have questions whether they will become dangerous. For example, imagine a situation in which the focal area extends beyond the hub itself. That is, the energy will focus on some other place. Alexander says this is impossible in his device. To damage people or surrounding objects will not work, because many “solar bunnies” are concentrated in only one place. The main thing is to point the device at the Sun.
I would like to wish the inventor long years of life and strength, so that his offspring still began to serve for the benefit of people. It’s not easy for Ukrainians right now, and if we can generate more energy, one problem will be less.

Peels Alternative energy sources Let’s first understand what we are talking about. By and large, traditional are those energy sources that are based on fossil fuels (oil, gas, etc.). In other words, sooner or later they will end, and then humanity will have to adapt to new conditions.

Alternative sources are those that will be with us as long as humanity exists. We are talking about solar energy, wind, geothermal sources, water energy and even the ability to receive energy from the products of life of living organisms.
So, the invention of the Kharkiv citizen is essentially a solar concentrator, which was invented long before Alexander. So let's first talk about what formed the basis of his creation.

Youtube Helio Hub is a device that uses optical devices to focus solar energy on a small surface. At the same time, it is important that he also tracks the movement of the light across the sky. Thus, the amount of solar radiation will be maximum.

For a long time, such devices began to be used in a variety of solar power plants and not only. Most solar concentrators have limitations regarding their size and power.
What did Alexander Sogokon come up with? It was impossible to build large solar concentrators because of sailing. In other words, the wind could easily destroy such a device. But Alexander's invention relieves us of these limitations. Its concentrator consists of narrow planes, between which air circulation can safely occur.

What does this give us? Now the size of the hub can increase significantly, which will increase its productivity. In addition, Alexander simplified the system of tracking the sun. The focal area of its concentrator does not follow the luminary, unlike all its predecessors.
The inventor himself claims that almost any load can be connected to his hub. You just need to choose replaceable blocks that will be configured for certain tasks. Sogokon believes that now the use of solar energy is limited only by human imagination.

In connection with such inventions, many have questions whether they will become dangerous. For example, imagine a situation in which the focal area extends beyond the hub itself. That is, the energy will focus on some other place. Alexander says this is impossible in his device. To damage people or surrounding objects will not work, because many “solar bunnies” are concentrated in only one place. The main thing is to point the device at the Sun.

I would like to wish the inventor long years of life and strength, so that his offspring still began to serve for the benefit of people. It’s not easy for Ukrainians right now, and if we can generate more energy, one problem will be less.
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