Why many people yearn for Soviet times and was life so carefree then?
Sometimes rolling. anxietyWhen you think of a carefree childhood. Things are different now and the kids are different. In childhood, everything seems kind, clean and sincere. Editorial "Site" I picked up for you pictures of a happy childhood from the Soviet Union. Looking at these pictures, I want to go back to those times for a moment. Feel small and happy again. And discover something new every day.
About this car dreamed of all kids in the USSR. It was very strong and looked like a real one. Only a smaller copy and gasoline was not necessary. These cars were very durable and durable. The families of the USSR had several children, so the car was inherited from the eldest to the youngest. Driving in such a car in the yard was a real adventure.
And there was no anxiety without a reason in Soviet childhood In addition to cars in Soviet yards there were many scooters, bicycles. All summer the children ran in the yards. Different games are team sports. In the Soviet Union, the team spirit was nurtured. Everything was common and being alone was sometimes even problematic. In addition to yard games, children spent a lot of time in the fresh air and in school and kindergarten. Various sports competitions and team games were also held there. In the parks of culture and recreation, which were built in each city and several for one city, there were various attractions and carousels. Children with great pleasure skated and imagined themselves future pilots and cosmonauts.
Children's leisure in the USSR was very diverse. In addition to the main lessons at school, children had the opportunity to attend various circles and sections. Sports, dance, mathematical, literary, etc. Children mastered radio electronics, lathe business, wood carving. They mastered working professions already at the school desk. When the first computers appeared, children began to master them. In the Soviet Union, children had the opportunity to try themselves in different professions and by the end of school to decide on their future specialty. Both boys and girls were engaged in various manual labor. In labor lessons, everyone was equally taught to sew buttons and work at lathes.
Young girls were taught how to farm and properly set the table. Special vocational schools trained service workers in shops and restaurants. All professions were important and necessary. Since childhood, they were taught to monitor their belongings, respectful of other people’s work. It was fashionable to study, work, lead an active lifestyle. The best were always rewarded with vouchers or awards. Everyone wants to make society a little better.
Anxiety without a reason, or Feeling of nostalgia Happy childhood in a Soviet kindergarten. Sleep in the fresh air, even in the winter season. Various games, Spartakiads and delicious healthy food. There were strict rules in the nutrition of children of different age groups. The children’s diet included milk and other dairy products. And no one had allergies or intolerance to any of the components. Everyone was healthy and rosy.
And of course, Instagram was not just about your body and your health. Soviet citizens paid great attention to their appearance. Fashionable clothes, hairstyles, cosmetic procedures. All this could easily be done in beauty salons and fashion studios. Women loved high hairstyles, so they made perms. This procedure took more than two hours and was very harmful to the hair. But beauty always required sacrifices and women endured this procedure.
Instagram Someone will tell you what good times were. Some people will have negative memories. We are all different and perceive different events in life. But as much as you would like to return to childhood and adolescence, you should never forget to live today and in the modern world. It also has good moments and good things. What do you remember from your childhood? Write us in the comments your most vivid memories.

About this car dreamed of all kids in the USSR. It was very strong and looked like a real one. Only a smaller copy and gasoline was not necessary. These cars were very durable and durable. The families of the USSR had several children, so the car was inherited from the eldest to the youngest. Driving in such a car in the yard was a real adventure.

And there was no anxiety without a reason in Soviet childhood In addition to cars in Soviet yards there were many scooters, bicycles. All summer the children ran in the yards. Different games are team sports. In the Soviet Union, the team spirit was nurtured. Everything was common and being alone was sometimes even problematic. In addition to yard games, children spent a lot of time in the fresh air and in school and kindergarten. Various sports competitions and team games were also held there. In the parks of culture and recreation, which were built in each city and several for one city, there were various attractions and carousels. Children with great pleasure skated and imagined themselves future pilots and cosmonauts.

Children's leisure in the USSR was very diverse. In addition to the main lessons at school, children had the opportunity to attend various circles and sections. Sports, dance, mathematical, literary, etc. Children mastered radio electronics, lathe business, wood carving. They mastered working professions already at the school desk. When the first computers appeared, children began to master them. In the Soviet Union, children had the opportunity to try themselves in different professions and by the end of school to decide on their future specialty. Both boys and girls were engaged in various manual labor. In labor lessons, everyone was equally taught to sew buttons and work at lathes.

Young girls were taught how to farm and properly set the table. Special vocational schools trained service workers in shops and restaurants. All professions were important and necessary. Since childhood, they were taught to monitor their belongings, respectful of other people’s work. It was fashionable to study, work, lead an active lifestyle. The best were always rewarded with vouchers or awards. Everyone wants to make society a little better.

Anxiety without a reason, or Feeling of nostalgia Happy childhood in a Soviet kindergarten. Sleep in the fresh air, even in the winter season. Various games, Spartakiads and delicious healthy food. There were strict rules in the nutrition of children of different age groups. The children’s diet included milk and other dairy products. And no one had allergies or intolerance to any of the components. Everyone was healthy and rosy.

And of course, Instagram was not just about your body and your health. Soviet citizens paid great attention to their appearance. Fashionable clothes, hairstyles, cosmetic procedures. All this could easily be done in beauty salons and fashion studios. Women loved high hairstyles, so they made perms. This procedure took more than two hours and was very harmful to the hair. But beauty always required sacrifices and women endured this procedure.

Instagram Someone will tell you what good times were. Some people will have negative memories. We are all different and perceive different events in life. But as much as you would like to return to childhood and adolescence, you should never forget to live today and in the modern world. It also has good moments and good things. What do you remember from your childhood? Write us in the comments your most vivid memories.
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