What bad eating habits have followed us since Soviet times and why it’s time to say goodbye to them
Nutrition and lifestyle Modern man is quite distant from the period of Soviet times. Today, families not even with the thickest wallets can afford something that their parents could not even imagine half a century ago. There was a huge amount of overseas fruits and products. In the current use included the words “smoothie”, “fresh”, “peanut paste”, “milkshake” and the like. Why go far, if before the banal mayonnaise was considered something exclusive and stood only on the festive table and only quite wealthy comrades.
At the same time, attitudes towards many products have also changed – and not always for the better. Eating habits became different, we began to look at traditional foods from a different angle and even sometimes criticize our parents for the way they behaved in our childhood. What to say, live a century - learn a century. There were whole articles from scientists of nutritiology, destroying the old approach to understanding about tasty and healthy food. And someone remained at the same level, using all the same as before. If only the food wasn't from the hated, damned McDonald's.
Food and lifestyle Liquid - at least 2 times a week! Soups often stood on the table of the Soviet man. Soups are generally known all over the world, because it is a very simple and cheap solution to saturate a large number of people “for the cheap”. You take boiling water and throw everything in the fridge. Or in the cellar, if there are any vegetables. Okay, soup's ready. Play with spices - and this is a culinary masterpiece with shades of local flavor. No, we do not criticize this practice, not at all. But when canned fish are thrown into it, fair questions arise about the taste component and usefulness in general.
In general, soups may not be very useful. There are a number of reasons for this. First, water dilutes gastric juice and soups are digested longer. This is true, although the specific harm to our body is still not proven. Secondly, some types of soups are not recommended for people who have problems with the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Borscht, cabbage and shy have a lot of cabbage in their composition, which produces a large amount of acid. That's not good for a weak stomach. The same goes for tomato soups.
In addition, many soups are made on chicken broth. And chickens, both before and now, were stuffed with antibiotics for better survivability. They all come straight to your plate after cooking. Although some doctors advise to drain the first broth from the chicken and cook on the second. That would be helpful. But almost no one does so, because everyone wants to get the “that” brewy broth that will put the dead on his feet. There's an ambush. By the way, the pesticides are concentrated inside the cabbage coach, who didn't know. So you can crunch them safely only when you know where and by whom this cabbage was grown.
By the way, soup "needs" to eat with bread. Everyone knows that. With bread, you need to eat everything in the world: potatoes, pasta, buckwheat porridge ... Someone even eats watermelon with bread. And it's also an abnormal setup. Let’s not talk about the quality of modern bread and what it used to be. Today, you can easily bake it yourself. But it's fast carbs and lots of calories. In fact, that’s what it was created for. Sometimes it is better to soup or ear without flour and feel better. How to clog the stomach with a slice of "black" and then leave for half a day.
And to end this, let's look at how our parents used to force us. eat up to the last babe. "So it doesn't go away." This is a very, very wrong practice, and even the most recent dietitian will condemn it. The fact is that people have different organisms. And metabolism is a complex thing, you can “threaten” it very easily. This grandma gets easier to breathe when a lean grandson turns into a potty kid. My grandson will live with it. And these mundane words, "just move more and eat less," are words that don't cost anything at all.
If a thousand years ago people, in order to somehow diversify the taste of food, paid mad money for various seasonings and salt, then our ancestors in the last century did it in other ways. “Sugar is sweet – that’s all the salt!” This is a quick way to gain energy (though not for long) and enjoy yourself with great taste. How do you do that? Boil. compost! Fruit, sugar, boiling water. That's all. And with a sweet bun or a cookie! Dentists happily rub their hands. But what can be done, there are few alternatives. Tea, by the way, was also seasoned with abundant amounts of sugar and drunk with jam. But the reason is different. Drinking it was impossible before. Especially in bags. What a mess!
What about? pickles? They were also manufactured on an industrial scale. So that food does not disappear, so that for the winter there is something to add to the side dish. Again, a stew that has always been treated with great trepidation. But it's a pretty bad thing. Remember at least the amount of sugar, salt and vinegar in your favorite tomatoes and cucumbers from a jar. It's terrible, but what can we do? preservative Yeah. There's no other way. And meat or fish rolled under the lid, lose absolutely all their vitamins or at least some useful properties. It's delicious and hearty. Poured to boiled pasta - and you can start.
Pro mayonnaiseProbably everyone already knows. Yeah, from the store, it's chemistry. Yeah, well, calories up the roof. But it's a sauce, and a huge amount of traditional salads are made with it. Although the word "salad" somehow and the hand does not rise to write. Especially if it contains mayonnaise, sausage, Korean carrots, 70% consisting of butter. Canned food is the same... But lettuce! No vitamins, really. Of course, every day there are cooked chicken breasts and no greens. But you can try to choose something easier. Although earlier people were more engaged in physical labor, because they were slimmer. It is a pity that visceral fat on the internal organs is not visible to the human eye.
Of course, in our time here and there you can see painfully obese people - so, too, not everything is so unambiguous with nutrition. But in this case, there is a question of physical activity. There are cars, public transport – people simply stopped moving. Sedentary work, game consoles, aversion to sports. None of this is good, of course. The quality of the products has also deteriorated. Wholesale shops do not hesitate to buy products not even 3rd grade. They also manage to sell them at inflated prices. However, there are a few more points.
Peels hated by the older generation fast-food In fact, it is not so bad if you can use it correctly. You won’t believe it, but even in fast food establishments there are salads. Real vegetables and greens. But they are served with high-calorie sauces, which add centimeters to our waist. You can ask for a salad without sauce and you will be rewarded. But then the taste will be standard, and everyone wants something different. Next: Any burger is bread, meat, side dish, sauce and possibly cheese. Remove the same sauce and cheap cheese – we get a standard sandwich. He certainly does not carry a mortal danger in himself. And the meat is normal. The same goes for the well-known Shawarma. But if large catering chains are responsible for the quality of ingredients by reputation, then a kiosk with shawarma can not boast of such responsibility. You have to guess.
And finally, potato. Everyone loves it, everyone eats it (or almost everything). But many forget that there is a very large amount of starch in it. And it is not the best way to affect our body. What are the fast food fries?! Ordinary fried potatoes absorb maximum oil, and this is also unhealthy. But for some reason fried potatoes are respected, and bought in the catering department hate. Although she's all the same. Not useful. Now live with this one who didn't know.
Maybe in 30 years we will get some more news. That apples are actually poisonous, and red caviar can only be eaten with a certain kind of chocolate. Anything is possible. But so far, the modern view of healthy eating is bearing fruit. People who adhere to it become healthier, more beautiful, slimmer. This is visible to the naked eye, as long as the products were of high quality and there was at least minimal physical activity. More detailed information you can easily find on our website. It's just that. "Site".

At the same time, attitudes towards many products have also changed – and not always for the better. Eating habits became different, we began to look at traditional foods from a different angle and even sometimes criticize our parents for the way they behaved in our childhood. What to say, live a century - learn a century. There were whole articles from scientists of nutritiology, destroying the old approach to understanding about tasty and healthy food. And someone remained at the same level, using all the same as before. If only the food wasn't from the hated, damned McDonald's.
Food and lifestyle Liquid - at least 2 times a week! Soups often stood on the table of the Soviet man. Soups are generally known all over the world, because it is a very simple and cheap solution to saturate a large number of people “for the cheap”. You take boiling water and throw everything in the fridge. Or in the cellar, if there are any vegetables. Okay, soup's ready. Play with spices - and this is a culinary masterpiece with shades of local flavor. No, we do not criticize this practice, not at all. But when canned fish are thrown into it, fair questions arise about the taste component and usefulness in general.

In general, soups may not be very useful. There are a number of reasons for this. First, water dilutes gastric juice and soups are digested longer. This is true, although the specific harm to our body is still not proven. Secondly, some types of soups are not recommended for people who have problems with the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Borscht, cabbage and shy have a lot of cabbage in their composition, which produces a large amount of acid. That's not good for a weak stomach. The same goes for tomato soups.
In addition, many soups are made on chicken broth. And chickens, both before and now, were stuffed with antibiotics for better survivability. They all come straight to your plate after cooking. Although some doctors advise to drain the first broth from the chicken and cook on the second. That would be helpful. But almost no one does so, because everyone wants to get the “that” brewy broth that will put the dead on his feet. There's an ambush. By the way, the pesticides are concentrated inside the cabbage coach, who didn't know. So you can crunch them safely only when you know where and by whom this cabbage was grown.
By the way, soup "needs" to eat with bread. Everyone knows that. With bread, you need to eat everything in the world: potatoes, pasta, buckwheat porridge ... Someone even eats watermelon with bread. And it's also an abnormal setup. Let’s not talk about the quality of modern bread and what it used to be. Today, you can easily bake it yourself. But it's fast carbs and lots of calories. In fact, that’s what it was created for. Sometimes it is better to soup or ear without flour and feel better. How to clog the stomach with a slice of "black" and then leave for half a day.

And to end this, let's look at how our parents used to force us. eat up to the last babe. "So it doesn't go away." This is a very, very wrong practice, and even the most recent dietitian will condemn it. The fact is that people have different organisms. And metabolism is a complex thing, you can “threaten” it very easily. This grandma gets easier to breathe when a lean grandson turns into a potty kid. My grandson will live with it. And these mundane words, "just move more and eat less," are words that don't cost anything at all.
If a thousand years ago people, in order to somehow diversify the taste of food, paid mad money for various seasonings and salt, then our ancestors in the last century did it in other ways. “Sugar is sweet – that’s all the salt!” This is a quick way to gain energy (though not for long) and enjoy yourself with great taste. How do you do that? Boil. compost! Fruit, sugar, boiling water. That's all. And with a sweet bun or a cookie! Dentists happily rub their hands. But what can be done, there are few alternatives. Tea, by the way, was also seasoned with abundant amounts of sugar and drunk with jam. But the reason is different. Drinking it was impossible before. Especially in bags. What a mess!
What about? pickles? They were also manufactured on an industrial scale. So that food does not disappear, so that for the winter there is something to add to the side dish. Again, a stew that has always been treated with great trepidation. But it's a pretty bad thing. Remember at least the amount of sugar, salt and vinegar in your favorite tomatoes and cucumbers from a jar. It's terrible, but what can we do? preservative Yeah. There's no other way. And meat or fish rolled under the lid, lose absolutely all their vitamins or at least some useful properties. It's delicious and hearty. Poured to boiled pasta - and you can start.

Pro mayonnaiseProbably everyone already knows. Yeah, from the store, it's chemistry. Yeah, well, calories up the roof. But it's a sauce, and a huge amount of traditional salads are made with it. Although the word "salad" somehow and the hand does not rise to write. Especially if it contains mayonnaise, sausage, Korean carrots, 70% consisting of butter. Canned food is the same... But lettuce! No vitamins, really. Of course, every day there are cooked chicken breasts and no greens. But you can try to choose something easier. Although earlier people were more engaged in physical labor, because they were slimmer. It is a pity that visceral fat on the internal organs is not visible to the human eye.
Of course, in our time here and there you can see painfully obese people - so, too, not everything is so unambiguous with nutrition. But in this case, there is a question of physical activity. There are cars, public transport – people simply stopped moving. Sedentary work, game consoles, aversion to sports. None of this is good, of course. The quality of the products has also deteriorated. Wholesale shops do not hesitate to buy products not even 3rd grade. They also manage to sell them at inflated prices. However, there are a few more points.

Peels hated by the older generation fast-food In fact, it is not so bad if you can use it correctly. You won’t believe it, but even in fast food establishments there are salads. Real vegetables and greens. But they are served with high-calorie sauces, which add centimeters to our waist. You can ask for a salad without sauce and you will be rewarded. But then the taste will be standard, and everyone wants something different. Next: Any burger is bread, meat, side dish, sauce and possibly cheese. Remove the same sauce and cheap cheese – we get a standard sandwich. He certainly does not carry a mortal danger in himself. And the meat is normal. The same goes for the well-known Shawarma. But if large catering chains are responsible for the quality of ingredients by reputation, then a kiosk with shawarma can not boast of such responsibility. You have to guess.
And finally, potato. Everyone loves it, everyone eats it (or almost everything). But many forget that there is a very large amount of starch in it. And it is not the best way to affect our body. What are the fast food fries?! Ordinary fried potatoes absorb maximum oil, and this is also unhealthy. But for some reason fried potatoes are respected, and bought in the catering department hate. Although she's all the same. Not useful. Now live with this one who didn't know.

Maybe in 30 years we will get some more news. That apples are actually poisonous, and red caviar can only be eaten with a certain kind of chocolate. Anything is possible. But so far, the modern view of healthy eating is bearing fruit. People who adhere to it become healthier, more beautiful, slimmer. This is visible to the naked eye, as long as the products were of high quality and there was at least minimal physical activity. More detailed information you can easily find on our website. It's just that. "Site".
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