When my mother-in-law got sick, she asked us to look after my husband’s younger brother, and he remembered those days for a long time.

Education of hard work An important moment in every person’s life. If he is missed as a child, it can negatively affect his entire subsequent biography. Even with family problems and especially with work. Be that as it may, it is parents who should teach hard work, not teachers at school or grandparents. This is a very important moment for which you need to be prepared in advance. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this.

We all know that today’s young people are not particularly gravitated to work and work. Students can sit on their phones all day and then go home and do the same thing on a gaming console or computer. The older ones are not far away either. They just have slightly different interests, but they have nothing to do with useful activities. "The plants are standing," as they used to say. They don't care. Let others work, and they are not interested.

For 5 years of living together with Igor, I was well aware that his parents are still characters. They always treated their eldest son with some kind of bias, as if he were a stranger. Like a non-native or something. This was especially evident when I saw them with their two sons. To Costa, for example, they were very positive and friendly. I don't even know, I'm an urban girl, maybe that's how it's done in the village, but it always seemed very wrong to me.

In short, my husband’s parents often went abroad to work when they were young. At the same time, Igor stayed with his grandmother, who quickly taught him that life is not paradise and one should be able to work from an early age. Education of hard work was the main principle. Probably, this is even good, because by the age of majority Igor spat on his small homeland and moved to the city. Here he quickly found a job and even some housing. Growing up, gained experience, learned a profession, and then met me.

Kostya's not a bad guy either. But he got it all on a platter. Late child, from which the mother-in-law and father-in-law blew dust and continue to blow up to this day. There was no talk of industrious education. He is no longer a child, even living with one girl in his own private home, which his parents gave him. They're neighbors now, it turns out. But on the condition that his father helps him with the housework, and his mother can freely come without asking and bring something to eat, for example. The guy works from home, over the Internet. But he gets some pennies. He's happy with everything, and I'm a little scared of this life. What prospects?

A month and a half ago, everything changed quite a lot. My mother-in-law had a seizure, so she had to go to the hospital. The father-in-law, who does not like her soul, also left with her. Igor and I went to see them both. We brought a bunch of products, the right things and all sorts of small things. By the way, the bone was not even close to visible. But no one had any complaints about him. He's the only one left on the farm. And my husband's mother also put a condition that Igor look after his younger brother while she is gaining strength.

You see, for our wedding, my husband's parents gave us a small sum of money to pay for a new apartment. Although we decided to live on a removable, the conditions are suitable. And why rush into a mortgage now, when it is not clear what will happen tomorrow. But the money is stored in a safe place and brings at least some interest. God forbid, there will be an airbag. Come on, that's not the point. Especially since my husband’s younger brother got a whole house for nothing. What's he getting for his wedding, a plane? This is the relationship, I hope you understand.

The fun started when we went to see my husband’s brother. I'm urban, I'm used to the fact that the country lazy is a hard worker compared to our brother. Turns out, not at all. Kostya equipped a room in the house personally for himself. There he had a computer with high-speed Internet, an aquarium with fish and a lot of unnecessary nonsense. There are empty pizza boxes on the floor, strangely, I thought delivering it wouldn't take it there. Everything, even the windowsill, is filled with garbage and other things.

By the way, the room in which Kostya’s friend lived, in principle, was no different. In the middle of the sofa, crushed and very dirty, a lot of clothes in the corners, a lot of makeup. If they were 16 years old, I would probably understand. But now adults. For more than twenty years, and even parents live nearby. What kind of horror is that?!

But Igor in this situation pleased me. He showed that he would make a great father and master. I already knew that. At first he yelled at his brother, speaking very, very easily. I never heard him say that, but they are brothers. That's what they do. Then he turned off the electricity in the whole house and gave an ultimatum: either Kostya begins cleaning, or waits for the evening until it is completely dark and goes to bed. With grief in half, Kostya complied.

I had to wash the floors of the rooms and wipe the dust. I almost volunteered to help myself, but they stopped me abruptly. The cleaning was handled by Constantine and his friend who came to the rescue. So ended the first day. The next morning there were even more robots. Igor drove them like a herd to his parents’ house. Even though it was clean, it was necessary to remove some small things. After completing this task, Kostya and his girlfriend learned, as it turned out, the real work.

Parents could not leave the housekeeping for their son and his girlfriend, because they simply did not know how to take care of chickens, geese and indoors. They all had to be fed, cleaned up, let out and brought back. Before we arrived, our neighbors did this. Not for free, of course. Now it's Bones' turn. No matter how much he whined and complained that his “real” job also required his presence, my husband had nothing to do with it. So Kostik began to understand what village life was.

We stayed with them for a few more days, sleeping in the house of my husband’s younger brother. And these days Kostya remembered very well, I assure you. The education of hard work was successful. But to be honest, it did him good. Then, as we were leaving, the husband hugged his brother and told him that he would come more often to make sure that everything was in order. That's what they agreed.

But then, when Igor and I, happy with ourselves and our work, came to the hospital again, our mood deteriorated a little. I didn’t expect much praise, though. When my mother-in-law heard about how good Kostya was, because his older brother had taught him how to clean up and watch the bird, my mother-in-law gave the following: “If you say so, Igor, that Kostya is now a good owner, you know, maybe we can really do this?” We have two houses nearby, and my father and I are old. What do you say we sign our house on Kostic? It will finally heal on a full scale.”

I understand that parents have favorites. Yeah, it happens. But why would I say that to Igor, I just don’t understand. Then he was silent, we just went home without discussing the moment with each other. I still feel bad for him, to be honest. Parents, never do that, I beg you. Your children have feelings, too. Sometimes it is better to remain silent and not spoil anyone’s mood. Please be wise.


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