At the family holiday, the husband was asked who was more important to him: his wife or daughter, after his answer everything turned around.
"Instill love in childrenThen their parents will need it. If a child from an early age is forced to do what he does not like, scold, separate from friends, then sooner or later he will cease to experience love for his mother and father. This has been proven more than once by psychologists, sociologists and ordinary people. We are not robots, our basic feelings are formed from childhood.
A lot of parents don’t seem to know that. For them, education is always something to do with guilt and punishment, no matter how hard their child tries, they will never be enough. There are cases when a stranger like a teacher or teacher can praise the child for a job well done. But the parent will have their own opinion on this matter: “Not good enough.” We should try harder. In the meantime, let's try again. By the way, you won't have a TV today.”
Instill love in children And how did you come to the fact that you had a lover? I understand that we are all honest people. But here, in terms of anonymity, you can be a little frank. For example, I had this desire. The funny thing is that in my youth I had every opportunity to walk. But I didn't use them. I didn't see the point. When I got married, I had to. It was just necessary. Only now I started to understand why.
My husband, Sasha, is a very good man. Good-looking, nice to talk to. He earns money and does not skimp on gifts for me or Ole, his daughter from his first marriage. I know that some women would never marry a divorced child. Come on, it's not a secret. But I never gave a damn about it. I fell in love with the girl right away. Who's to blame for her mother not being friendly with her head? And she was very nice to me. A pure, bright child.
I love Peels kids and I plan to have my own in the future. As they say, instill love in children, raise them in love. And I love my husband. In general, our family is quite strong and we have no significant problems, except for my little secret. In a couple of years, we're thinking about swapping our two-bedroom apartment for a better option. And then the refill will come. I know it will. It is easy for me to talk about my life. Everything would have remained perfect if it had not been for one family evening, held about six months ago.
There were eight of us. My husband and I, his parents, family friends. I know my mother-in-law and mother-in-law well, and they treat me pretty well. People seem to be adults and not stupid. But they have to, you know, get out of their way. They asked me when I was going to join the gym. It was spring and I haven’t even lost weight since winter. I am not fat at all, I just gain weight when it is cold. I had to answer somehow, laugh.
They asked Sasha who was more important to him: me or my daughter. I thought it was a joke. As you can see, the question is quite intimate. But Sasha, without a shadow of a doubt, replied that his daughter was the most important thing for him. And the wife is only in second place. I was very excited by that answer. And my husband looked at me with a smile and again repeated that his daughter, no matter what happens, will always be a priority. We have not raised this issue since then.
But it was after that conversation that I got Ruslan, another man of mine. I didn't intend to cheat on my husband, believe me. But Ruslan found himself on his own as if by magic. I met him on a social network. Not my type at all, to be honest. Low, stocky. And with small, running eyes. I never even pay attention to such things. But there's something about him that I needed at the time: he just deified me in his correspondence.
We went to the cafe with him a couple of times. I was hoping that Ruslan in his behavior would make me just get up and go home, come to my senses. I'm a married woman. But my expectations were not met. He came to the first meeting with a bouquet of flowers, was courteous, paid for everything himself. But that's not the point. Every time I looked him in the eye, his gaze was directed only toward me. He didn't judge me from the outside, no. On the contrary, there was only adoration and even some admiration. Sasha, unfortunately, I didn't know anything like that.
So our meetings started to happen more and more often, and then I started to get attached to him a little bit. But purely on a physical level. Nothing more. For me, our dates have become like going to a psychologist. After all, I could be myself, be late, even hysterical sometimes. And Ruslan, like that dog, was always waiting for me and was ready to help. At the same time, he never spoke about my husband, and in general he tried to avoid this topic. My comfort has always been a priority for him.
That's it. No sudden change in my life has happened. I still live with my husband and his daughter. But from time to time I meet with Ruslan, to defuse. And for a long time I couldn't understand why this was happening. Even physically, I feel better with my husband. I'm serious, believe me. Then why cheat, risk your husband's attitude and spoil your karma?
It's only recently that I realized that. Just myself, and no one told me or directed me. It's all about my parents and our conversation with my husband's family. I don’t think I could forgive my husband for his response. When he said his daughter would always be number one, something broke inside me. It's obvious now. After all, I was sure that for my husband, for Alexander, I would always be the most, but it turned out to be the opposite.
I have five brothers and sisters. And for mom and dad, we were all the same kids. Instilling love in children is not about them. Nobody gave me a discount on being a girl. No one told me I was a favorite child. I've never been special in anyone's life. Except for Ruslan, my secret man. As sad as it is, it is true. The only thing is that for me, he is just a person who is pleasant to meet and comfortable to sleep with. Nothing more.
Peels I don’t know what to do next. I'm not getting divorced at all. I want to have a baby with Sasha and live happily. I want him to love me. I don’t plan to meet with Ruslan yet. It's like a bad habit. I just don't have that desire yet. But what it will lead to, I do not understand. I don’t think of myself as a traitor because I have no feelings for a stranger. You just need to reset your head from time to time. How to do it differently, I don’t know.

A lot of parents don’t seem to know that. For them, education is always something to do with guilt and punishment, no matter how hard their child tries, they will never be enough. There are cases when a stranger like a teacher or teacher can praise the child for a job well done. But the parent will have their own opinion on this matter: “Not good enough.” We should try harder. In the meantime, let's try again. By the way, you won't have a TV today.”
Instill love in children And how did you come to the fact that you had a lover? I understand that we are all honest people. But here, in terms of anonymity, you can be a little frank. For example, I had this desire. The funny thing is that in my youth I had every opportunity to walk. But I didn't use them. I didn't see the point. When I got married, I had to. It was just necessary. Only now I started to understand why.
My husband, Sasha, is a very good man. Good-looking, nice to talk to. He earns money and does not skimp on gifts for me or Ole, his daughter from his first marriage. I know that some women would never marry a divorced child. Come on, it's not a secret. But I never gave a damn about it. I fell in love with the girl right away. Who's to blame for her mother not being friendly with her head? And she was very nice to me. A pure, bright child.

I love Peels kids and I plan to have my own in the future. As they say, instill love in children, raise them in love. And I love my husband. In general, our family is quite strong and we have no significant problems, except for my little secret. In a couple of years, we're thinking about swapping our two-bedroom apartment for a better option. And then the refill will come. I know it will. It is easy for me to talk about my life. Everything would have remained perfect if it had not been for one family evening, held about six months ago.
There were eight of us. My husband and I, his parents, family friends. I know my mother-in-law and mother-in-law well, and they treat me pretty well. People seem to be adults and not stupid. But they have to, you know, get out of their way. They asked me when I was going to join the gym. It was spring and I haven’t even lost weight since winter. I am not fat at all, I just gain weight when it is cold. I had to answer somehow, laugh.
They asked Sasha who was more important to him: me or my daughter. I thought it was a joke. As you can see, the question is quite intimate. But Sasha, without a shadow of a doubt, replied that his daughter was the most important thing for him. And the wife is only in second place. I was very excited by that answer. And my husband looked at me with a smile and again repeated that his daughter, no matter what happens, will always be a priority. We have not raised this issue since then.

But it was after that conversation that I got Ruslan, another man of mine. I didn't intend to cheat on my husband, believe me. But Ruslan found himself on his own as if by magic. I met him on a social network. Not my type at all, to be honest. Low, stocky. And with small, running eyes. I never even pay attention to such things. But there's something about him that I needed at the time: he just deified me in his correspondence.
We went to the cafe with him a couple of times. I was hoping that Ruslan in his behavior would make me just get up and go home, come to my senses. I'm a married woman. But my expectations were not met. He came to the first meeting with a bouquet of flowers, was courteous, paid for everything himself. But that's not the point. Every time I looked him in the eye, his gaze was directed only toward me. He didn't judge me from the outside, no. On the contrary, there was only adoration and even some admiration. Sasha, unfortunately, I didn't know anything like that.

So our meetings started to happen more and more often, and then I started to get attached to him a little bit. But purely on a physical level. Nothing more. For me, our dates have become like going to a psychologist. After all, I could be myself, be late, even hysterical sometimes. And Ruslan, like that dog, was always waiting for me and was ready to help. At the same time, he never spoke about my husband, and in general he tried to avoid this topic. My comfort has always been a priority for him.
That's it. No sudden change in my life has happened. I still live with my husband and his daughter. But from time to time I meet with Ruslan, to defuse. And for a long time I couldn't understand why this was happening. Even physically, I feel better with my husband. I'm serious, believe me. Then why cheat, risk your husband's attitude and spoil your karma?

It's only recently that I realized that. Just myself, and no one told me or directed me. It's all about my parents and our conversation with my husband's family. I don’t think I could forgive my husband for his response. When he said his daughter would always be number one, something broke inside me. It's obvious now. After all, I was sure that for my husband, for Alexander, I would always be the most, but it turned out to be the opposite.
I have five brothers and sisters. And for mom and dad, we were all the same kids. Instilling love in children is not about them. Nobody gave me a discount on being a girl. No one told me I was a favorite child. I've never been special in anyone's life. Except for Ruslan, my secret man. As sad as it is, it is true. The only thing is that for me, he is just a person who is pleasant to meet and comfortable to sleep with. Nothing more.

Peels I don’t know what to do next. I'm not getting divorced at all. I want to have a baby with Sasha and live happily. I want him to love me. I don’t plan to meet with Ruslan yet. It's like a bad habit. I just don't have that desire yet. But what it will lead to, I do not understand. I don’t think of myself as a traitor because I have no feelings for a stranger. You just need to reset your head from time to time. How to do it differently, I don’t know.
How to prepare neat blueberries that will melt in your mouth, without the right cabbage nothing will come out
When my mother-in-law got sick, she asked us to look after my husband’s younger brother, and he remembered those days for a long time.