Our electrician friend told us how to significantly reduce electricity bills, a couple of important nuances
Somewhere in the world the price for electricity is more, somewhere it’s less. But the leaders of all developed countries are unanimous on one thing: resources need to be protected and saved. And it’s not just about dry numbers. Another important aspect is energy security (which we can already see with our own eyes) and environmental sustainability (which we hope to never experience). Against the backdrop of rising electricity tariffs, everyone has to save: both huge industries and ordinary families. But what is the most effective way to do this?
Naturally, owners of production facilities enjoy special tariffs; their payment for electricity differs from that of the average person. It is not surprising that, for example, state-owned enterprises operate at special tariffs. Another thing is, how can ordinary people save money in order to comfortably use household appliances and other equipment in our turbulent and unstable times? Let's not lie, this is not an easy task, but it is absolutely doable. You just need to approach things wisely and look at things soberly.
Payment for electricity of LED lamps Let's start, probably, with the simplest and most obvious. The human mind has long been on the path of progress, but some still prefer to use outdated technologies, and in vain. In this case we mean the use of old lighting lamps. Why and why is another question. But it would still be strange not to mention such a “new product” on the market as LED lamps .
What's so special about them and why buy them at all? To begin with, it is worth mentioning the pleasant bonuses of this technology, namely:
Greater resource compared to its predecessors. The average LED lamp lasts 25,000 hours. Which is many times longer than the life of a standard light bulb. And they consume 70–80 percent less electricity. Which, obviously, can have a very positive effect on the balance of your wallet. At the same time, the luminous efficiency and range of light temperature of the new generation of lamps is much wider and richer. And the intensity of their light can be changed and adjusted to suit you. And this is also worth taking into account.
In addition, such lamps are much safer. Due to their economical energy consumption, LED lamps heat up much less. And this is important in the context of fire safety. There is no chance that the lamp will heat up the lampshade or that it will ever burst on its own. Which, by the way, is often the problem with lamps of the previous generation. Well, they also do not contain mercury or gases dangerous to humans. Environmental friendliness, again, plays an important role here.
But, unfortunately, nothing is ideal in this world. And LED lamps still have some disadvantages. For example, price. Yes, in the long run the savings are obvious. But in the moment, buying new generation lamps will, of course, cost more. It’s worth taking this into account right away. Well, without departing from the topic of money, let us mention that the famous guarantee that is given for any of the LED lamps only applies to cases when it completely fails on its own. It happens that the lamps continue to work, but over time their light becomes dimmer. In such cases, no one will return the money. And although there are very few such examples, it can leave a bad feeling in some users’ souls.
Energy-efficient appliances It turns out that in appliance stores you can often see, in addition to the price tag, energy labels indicated next to a particular product. Starting from A+++ and ending with D or even E. What do these mysterious letters mean and why are they even needed? Let's reveal a secret: the whole point is how much electricity this device consumes. The most expensive, but at the same time the most economical equipment begins with the value “A+++”. And further alphabetically.
It is obvious that in this case everything works for the future. In addition to energy savings, expensive items also last longer. But the buyer very often does not want to think ahead and chooses what is most affordable for his pocket at that particular moment. Unfortunately, this is fraught with early breakdowns and considerable bills for energy consumption. Draw your own conclusions.
Proper use of household appliances at home This is not feng shui or any science. You just need to be smart about the placement of certain appliances in your home. There is no point in describing it for a long time, so let's get down to business right away.
The refrigerator should not be placed near a heat source. This makes it not work rationally and only breaks down faster. A gas stove and a battery are bad neighbors for this type of equipment. In addition, you should not constantly keep the refrigerator filled with food. So the cold air inside the chamber will circulate poorly, as a result of which the motor will be under constant tension. And this never benefits him.
On the contrary, we recommend loading the washing machine completely. Without fanaticism, of course, but its design is designed for such loads. “Economic mode”, by the way, really does its job, it saves money. Add to this washing at a low temperature and the energy consumption of your machine will drop dramatically, which is what we all want.
Peels And finally, an electric kettle. It consumes quite a lot of energy, but only while it is working, that is, heating the water. In this regard, learn to pour into it exactly the amount of water that you need. This way it can be in an active state for much less time, which, in fact, will save you some money. Simple but effective.
Payment for electricity and personal initiative No one can help you better than yourself. Even if you use all the “tricks” that we cited above, savings may never come if you don’t care about them. For example, do not turn off the lights in the rooms. Many people are simply distracted and forget what they were doing a few moments ago. Such is nature, nothing can be done. And then they go to work and, coming back home, notice that the whole apartment is glowing from the light they turned on earlier.
Young people who cannot live without a computer often admit that they simply do not turn it off. What if you suddenly want to watch some TV series or listen to music from the speakers? What, wait until the equipment turns on again? No, it’s better to let her work, nothing will happen to her. And it turns out that the system unit runs idle for hundreds of hours. This is not to mention phone chargers and other gadgets. Few people watch them at all.
Peels In the end, I would like to emphasize that by acquiring useful saving habits from your own experience, you can slowly accustom all other residents to them. There would be a desire and an approach. Of course, there is no point in forcing anyone out of the blue. It's all about education and positive vibrations. But following some simple rules will definitely not make anyone feel worse. And electricity bills will decrease. You just need to be able to respect yourself and your work. And the rest will come with time. And this also applies to many other areas of life. You just need to put in a little effort.

Naturally, owners of production facilities enjoy special tariffs; their payment for electricity differs from that of the average person. It is not surprising that, for example, state-owned enterprises operate at special tariffs. Another thing is, how can ordinary people save money in order to comfortably use household appliances and other equipment in our turbulent and unstable times? Let's not lie, this is not an easy task, but it is absolutely doable. You just need to approach things wisely and look at things soberly.
Payment for electricity of LED lamps Let's start, probably, with the simplest and most obvious. The human mind has long been on the path of progress, but some still prefer to use outdated technologies, and in vain. In this case we mean the use of old lighting lamps. Why and why is another question. But it would still be strange not to mention such a “new product” on the market as LED lamps .
What's so special about them and why buy them at all? To begin with, it is worth mentioning the pleasant bonuses of this technology, namely:

Greater resource compared to its predecessors. The average LED lamp lasts 25,000 hours. Which is many times longer than the life of a standard light bulb. And they consume 70–80 percent less electricity. Which, obviously, can have a very positive effect on the balance of your wallet. At the same time, the luminous efficiency and range of light temperature of the new generation of lamps is much wider and richer. And the intensity of their light can be changed and adjusted to suit you. And this is also worth taking into account.
In addition, such lamps are much safer. Due to their economical energy consumption, LED lamps heat up much less. And this is important in the context of fire safety. There is no chance that the lamp will heat up the lampshade or that it will ever burst on its own. Which, by the way, is often the problem with lamps of the previous generation. Well, they also do not contain mercury or gases dangerous to humans. Environmental friendliness, again, plays an important role here.

But, unfortunately, nothing is ideal in this world. And LED lamps still have some disadvantages. For example, price. Yes, in the long run the savings are obvious. But in the moment, buying new generation lamps will, of course, cost more. It’s worth taking this into account right away. Well, without departing from the topic of money, let us mention that the famous guarantee that is given for any of the LED lamps only applies to cases when it completely fails on its own. It happens that the lamps continue to work, but over time their light becomes dimmer. In such cases, no one will return the money. And although there are very few such examples, it can leave a bad feeling in some users’ souls.
Energy-efficient appliances It turns out that in appliance stores you can often see, in addition to the price tag, energy labels indicated next to a particular product. Starting from A+++ and ending with D or even E. What do these mysterious letters mean and why are they even needed? Let's reveal a secret: the whole point is how much electricity this device consumes. The most expensive, but at the same time the most economical equipment begins with the value “A+++”. And further alphabetically.

It is obvious that in this case everything works for the future. In addition to energy savings, expensive items also last longer. But the buyer very often does not want to think ahead and chooses what is most affordable for his pocket at that particular moment. Unfortunately, this is fraught with early breakdowns and considerable bills for energy consumption. Draw your own conclusions.
Proper use of household appliances at home This is not feng shui or any science. You just need to be smart about the placement of certain appliances in your home. There is no point in describing it for a long time, so let's get down to business right away.
The refrigerator should not be placed near a heat source. This makes it not work rationally and only breaks down faster. A gas stove and a battery are bad neighbors for this type of equipment. In addition, you should not constantly keep the refrigerator filled with food. So the cold air inside the chamber will circulate poorly, as a result of which the motor will be under constant tension. And this never benefits him.
On the contrary, we recommend loading the washing machine completely. Without fanaticism, of course, but its design is designed for such loads. “Economic mode”, by the way, really does its job, it saves money. Add to this washing at a low temperature and the energy consumption of your machine will drop dramatically, which is what we all want.

Peels And finally, an electric kettle. It consumes quite a lot of energy, but only while it is working, that is, heating the water. In this regard, learn to pour into it exactly the amount of water that you need. This way it can be in an active state for much less time, which, in fact, will save you some money. Simple but effective.
Payment for electricity and personal initiative No one can help you better than yourself. Even if you use all the “tricks” that we cited above, savings may never come if you don’t care about them. For example, do not turn off the lights in the rooms. Many people are simply distracted and forget what they were doing a few moments ago. Such is nature, nothing can be done. And then they go to work and, coming back home, notice that the whole apartment is glowing from the light they turned on earlier.
Young people who cannot live without a computer often admit that they simply do not turn it off. What if you suddenly want to watch some TV series or listen to music from the speakers? What, wait until the equipment turns on again? No, it’s better to let her work, nothing will happen to her. And it turns out that the system unit runs idle for hundreds of hours. This is not to mention phone chargers and other gadgets. Few people watch them at all.

Peels In the end, I would like to emphasize that by acquiring useful saving habits from your own experience, you can slowly accustom all other residents to them. There would be a desire and an approach. Of course, there is no point in forcing anyone out of the blue. It's all about education and positive vibrations. But following some simple rules will definitely not make anyone feel worse. And electricity bills will decrease. You just need to be able to respect yourself and your work. And the rest will come with time. And this also applies to many other areas of life. You just need to put in a little effort.
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For my birthday, my husband gave me a box of gold bracelets, I was happy at first, but then I noticed something.