Grandchildren chose their clothes for the winter, looking for fashion options, decided to show them how to dress children in our time.
Today, no one will be surprised by the ski resort. They will teach you how to ski and snowboard. But there's no substitute. sledging - as a kid. When the whole school was going to the nearest slide and everyone was going down. Do you remember the winter dress? Today's edition. "Site" I remember dressing children in the winter in the Soviet Union.
The main criterion in clothes was warm. And then the choice was not very big. Everyone dressed about the same. In the shops stood the same pair of boots of all sizes and hung the same coats. Only those whose mother or grandmother could sew differed. Then a smaller coat was embroidered from a larger coat or an envelope was sewn for a wheelchair or sleigh. Sometimes, if you could get a fabric, you could sew a jumpsuit on cotton or from fur. And then it was very comfortable and comfortable clothes.
If you look at old Soviet photos, the children on them very much resembled penguins. The clothes were similarly cumbersome and cumbersome. On his feet must be boots, which tried to jump into the snow. The sleeves were heavy and heavy. To move in such a fur coat was very difficult, and she was girded with a belt. And mittens, so as not to be lost, were tied to a rubber band and stretched through the sleeves of the fur coat. This is still the case today in children’s clothing. Apparently, a more reliable way to save mittens was not found.
On the head necessarily fur or wool warm hat. They were very prickly and always trying to crawl off their heads. To somehow fix them, parents put the child under them another hat thinner or tied a headscarf. So the hat held tighter and did not blow in the ears. And if there were very severe frosts, then a wool handkerchief was tied from above. Of course, running and playing in this form was very difficult, but somehow managed.
Instagram Valenki is a special topic. Yes, they were very warm, but losing them is easy. A pair of three socks were put under the boots so that the legs did not freeze. And they were only suitable for the snowy cold winter. The shops sold ordinary gray boots, but some girls parents managed to get with embroidery. But scarves, hats and mittens, as a rule, knit themselves. Then almost all mothers and grandmothers could sew, knit and embroidery. And in order to somehow differ from others, special fashionistas embroidered factory clothes.
Instagram was a lot of good things in the USSR. People were kinder, lived more fun. The children played together in the yard from first to tenth grade. There was less envy and anger, they knew how to communicate. And although modern clothes are much lighter, frost-resistant and windproof, and still not the sensations on the slide. There's no fun, no fun, no ear sticking out under the hat. And pink cheeks, shiny eyes and snow-wet mittens... And in each entrance there was a broom on duty, with which they necessarily shaved each other before going home. And winters have become different, rainy and damp, and there is almost no snow.
What kind of sledging did you have? Write your memories in the comments.

The main criterion in clothes was warm. And then the choice was not very big. Everyone dressed about the same. In the shops stood the same pair of boots of all sizes and hung the same coats. Only those whose mother or grandmother could sew differed. Then a smaller coat was embroidered from a larger coat or an envelope was sewn for a wheelchair or sleigh. Sometimes, if you could get a fabric, you could sew a jumpsuit on cotton or from fur. And then it was very comfortable and comfortable clothes.

If you look at old Soviet photos, the children on them very much resembled penguins. The clothes were similarly cumbersome and cumbersome. On his feet must be boots, which tried to jump into the snow. The sleeves were heavy and heavy. To move in such a fur coat was very difficult, and she was girded with a belt. And mittens, so as not to be lost, were tied to a rubber band and stretched through the sleeves of the fur coat. This is still the case today in children’s clothing. Apparently, a more reliable way to save mittens was not found.

On the head necessarily fur or wool warm hat. They were very prickly and always trying to crawl off their heads. To somehow fix them, parents put the child under them another hat thinner or tied a headscarf. So the hat held tighter and did not blow in the ears. And if there were very severe frosts, then a wool handkerchief was tied from above. Of course, running and playing in this form was very difficult, but somehow managed.

Instagram Valenki is a special topic. Yes, they were very warm, but losing them is easy. A pair of three socks were put under the boots so that the legs did not freeze. And they were only suitable for the snowy cold winter. The shops sold ordinary gray boots, but some girls parents managed to get with embroidery. But scarves, hats and mittens, as a rule, knit themselves. Then almost all mothers and grandmothers could sew, knit and embroidery. And in order to somehow differ from others, special fashionistas embroidered factory clothes.

Instagram was a lot of good things in the USSR. People were kinder, lived more fun. The children played together in the yard from first to tenth grade. There was less envy and anger, they knew how to communicate. And although modern clothes are much lighter, frost-resistant and windproof, and still not the sensations on the slide. There's no fun, no fun, no ear sticking out under the hat. And pink cheeks, shiny eyes and snow-wet mittens... And in each entrance there was a broom on duty, with which they necessarily shaved each other before going home. And winters have become different, rainy and damp, and there is almost no snow.
What kind of sledging did you have? Write your memories in the comments.
Do not buy it in the leap year of the Dragon, otherwise trouble cannot be avoided.
Mom invited us to celebrate the New Year together, but I'm not going, I don't even want to look at her.