Mice will leave the house in an organized manner, if you sprinkle a little of this product everywhere, even my great-grandfather used this method.

Getting rid of mice in a private house forever is the dream of every owner, because this neighborhood is unpleasant, causes material damage, and is dangerous to human life and health. Unfortunately, dreams do not always come true: some methods of controlling rodents are ineffective and after a certain time, small pests return.

Editorial "Site" There are several ways to get rid of mice in the house.

Even if you don’t see mice, it doesn’t mean they aren’t in your home. To issue the presence of gray animals can suspicious rustle, squeak and fuss at night. Along the way, damaged products, holes in the wall, on the floor and bitten objects are found. There is also a specific smell of urine, and on the shelves you can see dark oblong feces. After that, even an ardent animal defender will want to get rid of mice in a private house once and for all!

The likelihood of the appearance of “uninvited guests” on your territory increases in the event of uncomfortable conditions in the former habitat of mice. When during heavy precipitation, mouse minks flood with water, animals go in search of a new home. But the most active migration of rodents is observed in autumn. They make their way to barns and houses, find food there and can settle next to you for many years, unless emergency measures are taken to promote the producers, mummifying properties. That is, the remains of rodents that ate poison, and then climbed under the skin and died there, should dry without decomposition and stench. But practice shows that without an unpleasant smell can not do.

Qualitatively destroy rodents purchased mousetraps. But such a trap is designed for only one individual. It will take time to catch the entire population of mice.
Well-proven homemade traps. In terms of “productivity”, they are not inferior to branded devices.

Significantly reduce the mouse brood helps special Velcro. They are designed for one-time use, so the spent material together with the rodents that have come into existence should be disposed of.

Poison and traps for mice should be placed in places inaccessible to children and pets. In handling poisonous drugs, it is required to comply with safety rules and use rubber gloves. Dead rodents and remnants of poison are recommended to be buried to a depth of at least half a meter. After the physical extermination of mice, care should be taken to further prevent their invasion of your site.

Ways to keep mice away from home
  1. In the holes made by rodents, push cotton-coat discs or rags soaked in a solution of salt, birch tar and peppermint extract, taken in a one-to-one ratio. You can also mix mint concentrate with ammonia. The odorous substances will scare away the mice until the persistent smell wears off. And when that happens, the salt on the cloth will prevent the females from making a nest out of it.
  2. Make all the cracks and holes with a solution of plaster or cement with an admixture of broken glass.
  3. Carefully remove all rooms and wipe the floors with a solution of chlorine or vinegar.
  4. Purchase ultrasonic devices to deter rodents.
  5. Place bouquets of dry fragrant herbs around the house: mint, chamomile, wormwood or coriander.
  6. Get a cat. Mice don't like its smell. Even if a domestic predator does not hunt them, rodents will avoid them.

Take advantage of these tips and make sure that they really help to get mice out of the house!


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