So that the windows no longer foggy, use this simple tool, solve the problem once and for all.
With the onset of cold weather on different surfaces bordering on warm and icy air, the appearance of condensation is observed. This contributes to increased humidity against the background of sharp temperature changes. In the living room most often fogging glass. In the hope that the condensate on plastic windows will not collect, people change wooden frames for plastic. Unfortunately, after replacing the old windows with modern windows, the problem is sometimes aggravated.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about the possible causes of condensation on the windows. We will also talk about how to get rid of it.
Condensation on plastic windows First, it is worth talking about what may be the causes. Some of them can be corrected. This will help get rid of the condensation problem.
Low quality of metal-plastic windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows The problem of reinstallation of the window is solved. You can reduce the cost of repairs by replacing only windows with energy-saving ones. It is also necessary to warm the outer slopes. Of course, this is a pretty radical method. And not for everyone.
Poor ventilation and high humidity in the house It is recommended to regularly ventilate the room and do not forget to turn on the hood while cooking or taking a bath. In the absence of natural ventilation, devices for forced air exchange must be installed. Additionally, you can purchase moisture absorbers if elementary ventilation is not enough.
The heating system works inefficiently, the dew point is incorrectly calculated If the battery has a weak heat return, the window area will not warm up well and the glass will fog. You need to take care of additional heating devices, which are advised to put near the problem window. With an increase in air temperature in the room, dampness and dew on the glass can be avoided.
The absence of a heater under the window, placing the battery on a significant depression and a disproportionate window sill lead to a violation of the correct circulation of warm air. As a result, moisture accumulates in the area of the window and settles on the glass. To correct the situation can install special grilles and heat-reflecting screens.
Excessive number of moisture-loving room flowers on the windowsill Everything is fine in moderation. The leaves of plants evaporate moisture, an excess of which provokes the formation of condensation. To avoid increasing the humidity in the room, you should remove some vases from the window sill and distribute them to different rooms.
If there is no way to correct the global causes of condensation, you need to fight the consequences. And this can be done using improvised means.
Plastic film. If a special protective film is glued to the glass, then you can prevent fogging of the window. Polyethylene improves the energy-saving qualities of double-glazed windows and significantly insulates the room.
glycerol. The pharmacy prevents the dew from settling on the windows. Ten drops of the drug should be dissolved in 1 liter of pure water, soak the sponge in the formed liquid and wipe the glass with it. Divorces on a transparent surface can be removed with a napkin or a special fabric.
Ammonia. Washing windows with water with the addition of ammonium hydroxide will not only make the glass clean and shiny, but also reduce their tendency to fogging.
Soda.. Sodium hydrocarbonate reduces fogging of glasses. For a liter of water you need to take two tablespoons of soda and shake it thoroughly. In the resulting solution, you need to soak the sponge and moisten the glass with it. Once the windows dry naturally, they should be wiped with a dry cloth or napkin.
salt. On the windowsill, you can put a cup or saucer with salt poured into them. Sodium chloride actively absorbs moisture, so there will be less dew on the glasses. The contents of the cup will have to be changed periodically.
Read these tips to combat condensation on plastic windows, apply them in practice and share your experience with others. I'm sure people will thank you.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about the possible causes of condensation on the windows. We will also talk about how to get rid of it.
Condensation on plastic windows First, it is worth talking about what may be the causes. Some of them can be corrected. This will help get rid of the condensation problem.
Low quality of metal-plastic windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows The problem of reinstallation of the window is solved. You can reduce the cost of repairs by replacing only windows with energy-saving ones. It is also necessary to warm the outer slopes. Of course, this is a pretty radical method. And not for everyone.

Poor ventilation and high humidity in the house It is recommended to regularly ventilate the room and do not forget to turn on the hood while cooking or taking a bath. In the absence of natural ventilation, devices for forced air exchange must be installed. Additionally, you can purchase moisture absorbers if elementary ventilation is not enough.
The heating system works inefficiently, the dew point is incorrectly calculated If the battery has a weak heat return, the window area will not warm up well and the glass will fog. You need to take care of additional heating devices, which are advised to put near the problem window. With an increase in air temperature in the room, dampness and dew on the glass can be avoided.

The absence of a heater under the window, placing the battery on a significant depression and a disproportionate window sill lead to a violation of the correct circulation of warm air. As a result, moisture accumulates in the area of the window and settles on the glass. To correct the situation can install special grilles and heat-reflecting screens.
Excessive number of moisture-loving room flowers on the windowsill Everything is fine in moderation. The leaves of plants evaporate moisture, an excess of which provokes the formation of condensation. To avoid increasing the humidity in the room, you should remove some vases from the window sill and distribute them to different rooms.

If there is no way to correct the global causes of condensation, you need to fight the consequences. And this can be done using improvised means.
Plastic film. If a special protective film is glued to the glass, then you can prevent fogging of the window. Polyethylene improves the energy-saving qualities of double-glazed windows and significantly insulates the room.
glycerol. The pharmacy prevents the dew from settling on the windows. Ten drops of the drug should be dissolved in 1 liter of pure water, soak the sponge in the formed liquid and wipe the glass with it. Divorces on a transparent surface can be removed with a napkin or a special fabric.
Ammonia. Washing windows with water with the addition of ammonium hydroxide will not only make the glass clean and shiny, but also reduce their tendency to fogging.

Soda.. Sodium hydrocarbonate reduces fogging of glasses. For a liter of water you need to take two tablespoons of soda and shake it thoroughly. In the resulting solution, you need to soak the sponge and moisten the glass with it. Once the windows dry naturally, they should be wiped with a dry cloth or napkin.
salt. On the windowsill, you can put a cup or saucer with salt poured into them. Sodium chloride actively absorbs moisture, so there will be less dew on the glasses. The contents of the cup will have to be changed periodically.

Read these tips to combat condensation on plastic windows, apply them in practice and share your experience with others. I'm sure people will thank you.
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