Knowing housewives rub the windows with a simple tool so as not to wash 10 times a year

Clean windows They decorate everything. Therefore, it is not surprising that diligent housewives wash windows 10 times a year. However, this does not always give the desired result. Soon the dust will stick here, the windows will get dirty again. And all the work will have to be done first.

Today's edition. "Site" share one clever, but extremely simple trick that will help to solve the problem of dirty windows for a long time. This life hack was shared with us by an old subscriber. And we rush to introduce this way to readers.

I don’t know how to look at dirty windows indifferently. Not only that, from such a view instantly spoils the mood, so they also let less light into the room. In addition, all this stuck dirt with the flow of air penetrates the house, which clearly does not affect our health well, says Svetlana.

“Of course, to keep the windows clean, they can be washed regularly. But it is quite tedious and boring work that does not give a lasting effect. So I use a method that I learned a long time ago from my aunt. And this method has worked very well.”

“The whole secret is a homemade remedy that any hostess can easily make. Maybe there is something for sale and ready-made, but I am used to doing it myself. But I'm sure it will work.”

“Therefore, half a glass of boiled water must be combined in a separate container with one laundry air conditioner cap. Then a spoonful of glycerol should be added. It is necessary to mix all this qualitatively, as they say, to a homogeneous mass. I will say at once that stirring will require some effort.”

“Then this remedy should be left alone for about 15 minutes. Then it can be used. First of all, water-wash using any liquid for washing glass. And then it was left to rub with a homemade remedy.”

“Be aware that a thin layer of our mixture must remain on the glass. It is this layer that will repel any dirt and dust from the surface. Be sure to try, and make sure that the windows after such processing will be happy with cleanliness for a long time, writes Svetlana.

Such a cunning life hack really looks worthwhile. All that remains is to thank the knowledgeable hostess, who decided to share her secret of clean windows with other people.

Also tell us in the comments how you support them. clean-window. Are you using some tricks that you want to talk about?


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