Before turning on the heating, I grab a hair dryer and perform a simple manipulation, it saves me a lot of money.
Autumn is becoming more active every day, and soon everyone’s favorite heating season will begin. But while it is still warm outside, few people think about preparing their radiators for the winter. As the saying goes, “Prepare batteries in the summer” and it will be warm in the winter. So today we are discussing which heating batteries are best for the apartment. We also talk about how to best prepare for the heating season.
The mode of inclusion of heating in apartment buildings with central heating for many years in a row remains unchanged. If the average daily temperature for three days does not rise above 8 degrees, then the city authorities decide to start heating in homes. Owners of autonomous heating decide when it is cold and it is time to turn on the heating. But in both cases, the type of radiator depends on its strength and heat transfer, which means savings and comfort in the house.
Editorial "Site" I have prepared a guide for you, which heating batteries are better for the apartment and how to take care of them. After all, radiators for central heating must be technologically suitable and interact with the entire heating system. Therefore, when choosing a radiator, you should pay attention to
radiator working pressure. For high-rise buildings from 5 or more floors, the working pressure of the radiator in the heating season should be within 12-15 atm. For houses no more than 5 floors is enough 5-8 atm.
Resistance to hydraulic shock. They often occur in the heating system, so that there are no gusts of batteries in the apartment, it is important to properly install radiators.
Peels Material inside the radiator. The water in the heating system is diluted with various chemical impurities, so it can be very aggressive. To prevent premature wear of radiators, they should be chosen from inactive materials of sufficient thickness. On top of the radiator can be covered with aluminum, which has a high heat transfer.
Fastening and design. Of course, every housewife dreams that pipes and batteries do not spoil the overall design of the room. Today, there is a wide range of radiators on the market that will fit perfectly into any interior.
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But even taking into account all the above characteristics, after a couple of years of operation, radiators lose their heat output. What this has to do with, we will continue to understand. The first thing to do before the start of the heating season is to blow the radiator from the inside. In any unoccupied space, air accumulates, the radiator is no exception. And after the end of the next heating season, when water drains from the system, the entire inside of the pipes is filled with air.
When the next heating season begins and the system is again filled with water, air and water mix. Because of this, air traffic jams often form, which do not allow hot water to penetrate further through the pipes, which reduces the heat transfer of the system.
Cleaning the system should be done not only by municipal services. Every resident must clean their batteries to improve their thermal conductivity. How to do this with a specific type of radiator can be found in the instructions for it. Or contact the relevant service that provides such a service.
Peels The second type of radiator cleaning is cleaning from external dust. Yes, a thick layer of dust on radiators does not contribute to the heating of the room. It’s not good for your health, especially for allergies. And the aesthetic appearance of the room pretty spoils. So, armed with a rag, vacuum cleaner, various brushes and hair dryer, you can improve the heat transfer of batteries in a day. The method of cleaning depends on the type of radiator.
Sometimes it is very difficult to get to individual battery cells, so a hair dryer and thin brushes with a long handle will come to the rescue. It is best to do this procedure in a protective respirator and gloves to avoid getting dirt and allergens into the airways and pores of the skin.
Comfort in the house is created from sometimes imperceptible at first glance things. Our home is our small world, which should be warm, light and comfortable.

The mode of inclusion of heating in apartment buildings with central heating for many years in a row remains unchanged. If the average daily temperature for three days does not rise above 8 degrees, then the city authorities decide to start heating in homes. Owners of autonomous heating decide when it is cold and it is time to turn on the heating. But in both cases, the type of radiator depends on its strength and heat transfer, which means savings and comfort in the house.

Editorial "Site" I have prepared a guide for you, which heating batteries are better for the apartment and how to take care of them. After all, radiators for central heating must be technologically suitable and interact with the entire heating system. Therefore, when choosing a radiator, you should pay attention to
radiator working pressure. For high-rise buildings from 5 or more floors, the working pressure of the radiator in the heating season should be within 12-15 atm. For houses no more than 5 floors is enough 5-8 atm.
Resistance to hydraulic shock. They often occur in the heating system, so that there are no gusts of batteries in the apartment, it is important to properly install radiators.
Peels Material inside the radiator. The water in the heating system is diluted with various chemical impurities, so it can be very aggressive. To prevent premature wear of radiators, they should be chosen from inactive materials of sufficient thickness. On top of the radiator can be covered with aluminum, which has a high heat transfer.
Fastening and design. Of course, every housewife dreams that pipes and batteries do not spoil the overall design of the room. Today, there is a wide range of radiators on the market that will fit perfectly into any interior.
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But even taking into account all the above characteristics, after a couple of years of operation, radiators lose their heat output. What this has to do with, we will continue to understand. The first thing to do before the start of the heating season is to blow the radiator from the inside. In any unoccupied space, air accumulates, the radiator is no exception. And after the end of the next heating season, when water drains from the system, the entire inside of the pipes is filled with air.

When the next heating season begins and the system is again filled with water, air and water mix. Because of this, air traffic jams often form, which do not allow hot water to penetrate further through the pipes, which reduces the heat transfer of the system.
Cleaning the system should be done not only by municipal services. Every resident must clean their batteries to improve their thermal conductivity. How to do this with a specific type of radiator can be found in the instructions for it. Or contact the relevant service that provides such a service.
Peels The second type of radiator cleaning is cleaning from external dust. Yes, a thick layer of dust on radiators does not contribute to the heating of the room. It’s not good for your health, especially for allergies. And the aesthetic appearance of the room pretty spoils. So, armed with a rag, vacuum cleaner, various brushes and hair dryer, you can improve the heat transfer of batteries in a day. The method of cleaning depends on the type of radiator.
Sometimes it is very difficult to get to individual battery cells, so a hair dryer and thin brushes with a long handle will come to the rescue. It is best to do this procedure in a protective respirator and gloves to avoid getting dirt and allergens into the airways and pores of the skin.
Comfort in the house is created from sometimes imperceptible at first glance things. Our home is our small world, which should be warm, light and comfortable.
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