My parents invited my fiancé to visit, began to tactlessly ask him about everything, and then invited me to a serious conversation.
In most cases, the celebration of the marriage of the young, whatever it is, falls on the shoulders of the parents. The classic situation: the child grows up, has graduated from school, and mom and dad start saving money. But weddingAs they say, on a big foot? Or is it better to invest this money in a honeymoon trip, or even on the first mortgage payment?
We used to walk for three days even. And invited everyone, up to distant acquaintances. And they had fun, drank, ate, danced. Now it is not accepted to celebrate with such a scale. Dishes can be expensive, and drinks also have a price tag. But the tables are no longer full of food, and people don’t dance until they fall in the morning. The era is gone.
I often hear from my city acquaintances that girls live easier these days. Girls of any age. They are pursued by men, pampered by their parents, even the public somehow treats them more loyally. They say, and the place will give way in transport, and help will come if something happens. Not life, but heaven.
But for me, as a village girl, listening to these stories is like watching TV. Not a word of truth. Because in our village, things are very different. Gentlemen aren't here, everyone's gone somewhere. So no romance, no matter how hard you try. Of public transport, only a bus. And there, my dear ones, each for himself. To give up is to admit your weakness, no less. What do you think?
About the parents and the special love for the daughter. Personally, I find this statement particularly false, as I have an older brother myself, and I know what I'm talking about. We have a son who will help us in our old age. What can she do? She'll get married, and remember her name. Well, that's short.
My brother Nikita studied with me in the same school, helped around the house, as I did. Anyway, we've always done one thing. Except that he's older and stronger than me. He often helped his father in the garage or in the field. And I, the youngest, helped my mother with cleaning the house, plates, cooking, and God knows what else. I also felt that I was contributing to our family.
And when my brother found a girlfriend, my mom and dad got into a fuss. They have had some savings since they went abroad to work together. No one ever spent that money, and it was stored in currency. But their time has come. Some of the money, I don’t know, was exchanged and bought a decent apartment in our village. Do you feel prestigious in your new home? Imagine moving into a new apartment when there are only two high-rise buildings in the village!
After a loud and very lavish wedding, the brother healed with his wife in a local skyscraper. To be honest, I was very jealous of him. In fact, I didn't feel very well. Because now I have more jobs, my parents always called me "adult" when I was 23. They also compared me to my brother. I can't cut wood. I'm not going to. I will bring water, but not as fast or as much as Nikita. That's understandable!
And then I got a young man. Not local, from a nearby village. At first I thought I didn’t love him, I just wanted to get married and run away from my family and my parents, who constantly criticize me. But the more we walked with Denis, the more I realized that I could not be long without him. He somehow fascinated me, I don't know how.
After six months, I had the courage to tell my mom and dad that I wanted to get married. And Denis gave me the ring for two weeks. Not something cosmic, but gold, albeit subtle. It was time for my daughter to leave home. I'm already in the girls. She would have been considered an old maid before.
Peels But their reaction has been rather mixed. Dad looked at his mother and left the room. And my mom said it wasn't a good time to get married. But if I’m so impatient, I and my young man can come to their house, meet them, and then you will see how to proceed. Though in some confusion, I did so.
That family dinner was as weird as possible. Mom and Dad just sat there and seemed to drill every cell of Denis. Dad seemed to be holding back. But my mother asked a lot of questions. Who he is, who his parents are, where he works, where he lives, and so on. The impression was that this was an interrogation, and the wedding was actually supposed to take place tomorrow.
And, despite all this, Denis adequately withstood all the nagging and taunting. He said he was working in the city. He gets there by car, and the authorities even allocated him a small apartment. I'd freak out if I were him. But he behaved with restraint and dignity.
After the "addictions" Denis left and I stayed with my parents. They didn’t leave their room for a while, whispering about something. But then came out with serious faces and asked me to sit down before talking. In a nutshell, the money that remained after his brother's wedding was not really enough. There wouldn't be enough for a gift, but they'd be willing to spend every penny on my wedding. If only for one thing.
A couple of months ago, Nikita asked me to help him buy a car. He was now the owner, living in an apartment. So for complete happiness he lacked a car. Well, mom and dad thought it might be better, so they gave him the money for the case. The fact that I found someone, they believed with difficulty. There are very few young men around, and those have problems with bad habits. Denis was a complete surprise to his parents.
“We thought so, daughter. That you will stay with us, help us. We're not getting any younger. And you've always had a fighting character, boyish. So we thought that all these marriages did not give up for nothing. And now on you, what news ..." - such excuses were made to me that day. Can you imagine?
Therefore, when I moved to live in the city on my own, I did not have any feelings of nostalgia for my parents or the village. I didn't miss you at all. And when city girls and even guys tell me that it is easier for us girls to live, by conscience, I even twitch. Maybe that's the case for the city, I just don't get it yet. But what I know for sure is that the village has very different rules. And the city girls will definitely not like them. Trust me.

We used to walk for three days even. And invited everyone, up to distant acquaintances. And they had fun, drank, ate, danced. Now it is not accepted to celebrate with such a scale. Dishes can be expensive, and drinks also have a price tag. But the tables are no longer full of food, and people don’t dance until they fall in the morning. The era is gone.
I often hear from my city acquaintances that girls live easier these days. Girls of any age. They are pursued by men, pampered by their parents, even the public somehow treats them more loyally. They say, and the place will give way in transport, and help will come if something happens. Not life, but heaven.
But for me, as a village girl, listening to these stories is like watching TV. Not a word of truth. Because in our village, things are very different. Gentlemen aren't here, everyone's gone somewhere. So no romance, no matter how hard you try. Of public transport, only a bus. And there, my dear ones, each for himself. To give up is to admit your weakness, no less. What do you think?

About the parents and the special love for the daughter. Personally, I find this statement particularly false, as I have an older brother myself, and I know what I'm talking about. We have a son who will help us in our old age. What can she do? She'll get married, and remember her name. Well, that's short.
My brother Nikita studied with me in the same school, helped around the house, as I did. Anyway, we've always done one thing. Except that he's older and stronger than me. He often helped his father in the garage or in the field. And I, the youngest, helped my mother with cleaning the house, plates, cooking, and God knows what else. I also felt that I was contributing to our family.
And when my brother found a girlfriend, my mom and dad got into a fuss. They have had some savings since they went abroad to work together. No one ever spent that money, and it was stored in currency. But their time has come. Some of the money, I don’t know, was exchanged and bought a decent apartment in our village. Do you feel prestigious in your new home? Imagine moving into a new apartment when there are only two high-rise buildings in the village!

After a loud and very lavish wedding, the brother healed with his wife in a local skyscraper. To be honest, I was very jealous of him. In fact, I didn't feel very well. Because now I have more jobs, my parents always called me "adult" when I was 23. They also compared me to my brother. I can't cut wood. I'm not going to. I will bring water, but not as fast or as much as Nikita. That's understandable!
And then I got a young man. Not local, from a nearby village. At first I thought I didn’t love him, I just wanted to get married and run away from my family and my parents, who constantly criticize me. But the more we walked with Denis, the more I realized that I could not be long without him. He somehow fascinated me, I don't know how.
After six months, I had the courage to tell my mom and dad that I wanted to get married. And Denis gave me the ring for two weeks. Not something cosmic, but gold, albeit subtle. It was time for my daughter to leave home. I'm already in the girls. She would have been considered an old maid before.

Peels But their reaction has been rather mixed. Dad looked at his mother and left the room. And my mom said it wasn't a good time to get married. But if I’m so impatient, I and my young man can come to their house, meet them, and then you will see how to proceed. Though in some confusion, I did so.
That family dinner was as weird as possible. Mom and Dad just sat there and seemed to drill every cell of Denis. Dad seemed to be holding back. But my mother asked a lot of questions. Who he is, who his parents are, where he works, where he lives, and so on. The impression was that this was an interrogation, and the wedding was actually supposed to take place tomorrow.
And, despite all this, Denis adequately withstood all the nagging and taunting. He said he was working in the city. He gets there by car, and the authorities even allocated him a small apartment. I'd freak out if I were him. But he behaved with restraint and dignity.

After the "addictions" Denis left and I stayed with my parents. They didn’t leave their room for a while, whispering about something. But then came out with serious faces and asked me to sit down before talking. In a nutshell, the money that remained after his brother's wedding was not really enough. There wouldn't be enough for a gift, but they'd be willing to spend every penny on my wedding. If only for one thing.
A couple of months ago, Nikita asked me to help him buy a car. He was now the owner, living in an apartment. So for complete happiness he lacked a car. Well, mom and dad thought it might be better, so they gave him the money for the case. The fact that I found someone, they believed with difficulty. There are very few young men around, and those have problems with bad habits. Denis was a complete surprise to his parents.
“We thought so, daughter. That you will stay with us, help us. We're not getting any younger. And you've always had a fighting character, boyish. So we thought that all these marriages did not give up for nothing. And now on you, what news ..." - such excuses were made to me that day. Can you imagine?

Therefore, when I moved to live in the city on my own, I did not have any feelings of nostalgia for my parents or the village. I didn't miss you at all. And when city girls and even guys tell me that it is easier for us girls to live, by conscience, I even twitch. Maybe that's the case for the city, I just don't get it yet. But what I know for sure is that the village has very different rules. And the city girls will definitely not like them. Trust me.
Indian boy got in touch to tell about the shocking events of the near future, it can not be avoided
My husband didn’t like the fact that I gained weight after pregnancy, he went to a thin mistress, but recently we met.