I'm afraid to be a grandmother at the entrance, adult children are forbidden to marry
When a couple in love wants to legalize their relationship, that is, get married, it is always good. But it happens that parents set their own wedding. And they are, unfortunately, sometimes quite strange. For example, live only in the same house with the mother and father of the groom. Or, on the contrary, the blessing will be given only if the young people live in their own apartment.
People sometimes have their own internal principles and from the outside they seem very incomprehensible. And what can you do here: it is necessary, then it is necessary, they are parents. But how do adults who want to get married react when their children protest and make their own demands? It may seem comical, but the problem does not evaporate, and the tension within the family only grows.
If there is justice in this world, it seems to bypass me. And it started as a child. My mom and dad, despite the unspoken disapproval of all their acquaintances and colleagues, divorced when I was about 9-10 years old. I still don’t know what the reason was, but every day I came to school, I caught the mocking glances of my classmates.
It is now divorce that no one else cares about, and in my time and in my city it was a disgrace. It doesn't matter that I was just a kid. Other children are cruel and nothing can be done about it.
But I was very successful and married for love. I had two children, my husband helped me in everything, and besides, he was a breadwinner by nature. I always felt like I was behind a stone wall. It was a wonderful time, but it was taken from me. Heart. Egor was a physically developed man, even walrused. But one evening I couldn't reach the table and just fell to the floor. The ambulance arrived when it was too late.
Thank goodness he left behind some savings, as well as an apartment and a car. I was able to raise children on my own, but only as a single mother. The children are now adults and have their own families. We communicate from time to time, but I am well aware that I will not be able to receive as much attention as before. That's normal, I think. But it doesn't make it any easier.
I wonder why I have such a situation in my life. The fact is that a year ago I went with a friend to a sanatorium, relax and change the scenery a little. I don’t like this kind of vacation, I want something more active. But since my friend invited me, I decided to spit on everything and go.
In that sanatorium, I met an interesting man. He's divorced, has an adult daughter. At the time, he lived with her for personal reasons. We had a good time together and liked each other. And somehow it happened that he and I decided, why pull rubber? At our age, we don’t know who we are. Why don't we start living together?
We both agreed. I have a lot of room, I am alone. But first, everything had to be legalized. Don't need a big wedding, why? Just in the morning to go to the registry office, and in the evening to sit with relatives, especially, a warm summer evening and whispers that you need a little rest. Don't think about it, I'm not quite out of my mind to wear a veil at my age.
But the trouble came from nowhere. My children are totally against my happiness. They don't want me to get married again. Both are equally confident in telling me off. At first, I could not understand the reason for this stubbornness. I think they're grown up. You have to understand that your mother wants to be happy too.
I thought maybe they were afraid that their new stepfather would take away their apartment. We are signing a contract for this because this property belongs and will only belong to my children. Period. But they didn't settle down here. They said no, that's not the point. They also accused me of being suspicious.
Now here's another thing: if before I could expect one of the kids to call me once a week, that's the maximum. Now they're inviting me to live with one of them. So I could sit with my grandchildren or help with the housework. It's like they conspired. No, I'd be very happy about that before. But it's a spoon for lunch.
How will I live and think that I behaved like some weak-willed schoolgirl? Children forbid mothers to have relationships. What is it, what is it even called? But I have nothing to answer. I don’t want my child to stop talking to me when I’m old. Anyway, he is the closest and dearest to me. Any of them. But Valera is dear to me, with him I feel easy and loved. Any normal woman would understand me.
Peels have to make a choice. It's a very difficult choice. And it's this. Refuse normal communication with native offspring, for the sake of their own life. Or vice versa. To step on the throat of my dreams and turn into the very grandmother near the entrance, which I was always very afraid to become. What is so, that this kind of joy is not enough. And no one will help with advice, I have to make my own choice.

People sometimes have their own internal principles and from the outside they seem very incomprehensible. And what can you do here: it is necessary, then it is necessary, they are parents. But how do adults who want to get married react when their children protest and make their own demands? It may seem comical, but the problem does not evaporate, and the tension within the family only grows.
If there is justice in this world, it seems to bypass me. And it started as a child. My mom and dad, despite the unspoken disapproval of all their acquaintances and colleagues, divorced when I was about 9-10 years old. I still don’t know what the reason was, but every day I came to school, I caught the mocking glances of my classmates.
It is now divorce that no one else cares about, and in my time and in my city it was a disgrace. It doesn't matter that I was just a kid. Other children are cruel and nothing can be done about it.

But I was very successful and married for love. I had two children, my husband helped me in everything, and besides, he was a breadwinner by nature. I always felt like I was behind a stone wall. It was a wonderful time, but it was taken from me. Heart. Egor was a physically developed man, even walrused. But one evening I couldn't reach the table and just fell to the floor. The ambulance arrived when it was too late.
Thank goodness he left behind some savings, as well as an apartment and a car. I was able to raise children on my own, but only as a single mother. The children are now adults and have their own families. We communicate from time to time, but I am well aware that I will not be able to receive as much attention as before. That's normal, I think. But it doesn't make it any easier.

I wonder why I have such a situation in my life. The fact is that a year ago I went with a friend to a sanatorium, relax and change the scenery a little. I don’t like this kind of vacation, I want something more active. But since my friend invited me, I decided to spit on everything and go.
In that sanatorium, I met an interesting man. He's divorced, has an adult daughter. At the time, he lived with her for personal reasons. We had a good time together and liked each other. And somehow it happened that he and I decided, why pull rubber? At our age, we don’t know who we are. Why don't we start living together?
We both agreed. I have a lot of room, I am alone. But first, everything had to be legalized. Don't need a big wedding, why? Just in the morning to go to the registry office, and in the evening to sit with relatives, especially, a warm summer evening and whispers that you need a little rest. Don't think about it, I'm not quite out of my mind to wear a veil at my age.

But the trouble came from nowhere. My children are totally against my happiness. They don't want me to get married again. Both are equally confident in telling me off. At first, I could not understand the reason for this stubbornness. I think they're grown up. You have to understand that your mother wants to be happy too.
I thought maybe they were afraid that their new stepfather would take away their apartment. We are signing a contract for this because this property belongs and will only belong to my children. Period. But they didn't settle down here. They said no, that's not the point. They also accused me of being suspicious.

Now here's another thing: if before I could expect one of the kids to call me once a week, that's the maximum. Now they're inviting me to live with one of them. So I could sit with my grandchildren or help with the housework. It's like they conspired. No, I'd be very happy about that before. But it's a spoon for lunch.
How will I live and think that I behaved like some weak-willed schoolgirl? Children forbid mothers to have relationships. What is it, what is it even called? But I have nothing to answer. I don’t want my child to stop talking to me when I’m old. Anyway, he is the closest and dearest to me. Any of them. But Valera is dear to me, with him I feel easy and loved. Any normal woman would understand me.

Peels have to make a choice. It's a very difficult choice. And it's this. Refuse normal communication with native offspring, for the sake of their own life. Or vice versa. To step on the throat of my dreams and turn into the very grandmother near the entrance, which I was always very afraid to become. What is so, that this kind of joy is not enough. And no one will help with advice, I have to make my own choice.
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