A year ago, a man appeared on the threshold of the temple and offered to pay for lunches for poor people, the priest agreed without hesitation.
Beautiful soul man One who does good not for the sake of popularity and gratitude to his address, but because he sincerely wants to help people. He will not advertise his good deeds by filming them on camera and posting videos on the Internet. A good deed filmed on the phone is a show, not a rush of soul!
Now it is “fashionable” to help people in need of financial support, recording everything on video. In the frame most often fall elderly grandparents, as well as children. Such heartwarming videos are literally crowded with social networks. Are you saying that this is done out of the kindness of the soul, and not to attract more subscribers? Same thing!
My old friend is visiting the church. She knows a lot of instructive and interesting things about the life of church ministers, as well as about those who come to the aid of the poor. A friend told a story about a man with a pure and beautiful soul. With her permission, I want to share this story with you.
Last year, a representative of one of these patrons came to the priest and said that they would constantly donate money for lunches for the poor and people with disabilities. The church made a list of those in need and began to prepare food for them. While this is done once a week, but there is hope that over time it will be possible to engage in their daily nutrition.
Xendz agreed to deliver lunches directly to the house to people from the list. When the first shipments of expensive dishes were delivered, the unfortunate disabled thought someone had the wrong address. With tears in their eyes, they received help in the form of delicious food. One old woman even rushed to kiss the driver’s hands, who brought her a box of lunch.
The church has established additional purchase of food and tirelessly monitor their quality. Lunches are regularly prepared in the temple kitchen. The menu contains dishes that people with disabilities cannot afford, either financially or physically.
The parishioners, deprived of the opportunity to visit the church, do not remain without the attention of the priests: the ministers of the church come home to pray together and listen to confession. They heal the souls of the disabled with wise instructions and the word of God. After all, in addition to physiological saturation, people need spiritual communication.
You will not find videos on the Internet that demonstrate the purchase of groceries, cooking in the church kitchen and delivering dinners to people at home. No one shoots charity work on camera to put on public display.
This aid to the poor is not trumpeted at every intersection. People just do a good deed together and do not wait for the approval of others. They do not count on praise or world fame: the truly good representatives of humanity do not need advertising.
Grateful citizens began to be interested in the person of the benefactor, but the priest could not satisfy their curiosity: he did not know the name of the one who gave money to charity. The man with a big heart preferred to remain incognito, and only his attorney was in contact with the xenjo. But without knowing the name of the donor, they do not forget to pray for his health. In the temple, people remember him every day with a kind word and ask the Lord that such good people meet more often.
It is still a mystery who helps the poor. It is not known whether it is a man or a woman. They only know that this is a beautiful soul.

Now it is “fashionable” to help people in need of financial support, recording everything on video. In the frame most often fall elderly grandparents, as well as children. Such heartwarming videos are literally crowded with social networks. Are you saying that this is done out of the kindness of the soul, and not to attract more subscribers? Same thing!
My old friend is visiting the church. She knows a lot of instructive and interesting things about the life of church ministers, as well as about those who come to the aid of the poor. A friend told a story about a man with a pure and beautiful soul. With her permission, I want to share this story with you.

Last year, a representative of one of these patrons came to the priest and said that they would constantly donate money for lunches for the poor and people with disabilities. The church made a list of those in need and began to prepare food for them. While this is done once a week, but there is hope that over time it will be possible to engage in their daily nutrition.
Xendz agreed to deliver lunches directly to the house to people from the list. When the first shipments of expensive dishes were delivered, the unfortunate disabled thought someone had the wrong address. With tears in their eyes, they received help in the form of delicious food. One old woman even rushed to kiss the driver’s hands, who brought her a box of lunch.

The church has established additional purchase of food and tirelessly monitor their quality. Lunches are regularly prepared in the temple kitchen. The menu contains dishes that people with disabilities cannot afford, either financially or physically.
The parishioners, deprived of the opportunity to visit the church, do not remain without the attention of the priests: the ministers of the church come home to pray together and listen to confession. They heal the souls of the disabled with wise instructions and the word of God. After all, in addition to physiological saturation, people need spiritual communication.
You will not find videos on the Internet that demonstrate the purchase of groceries, cooking in the church kitchen and delivering dinners to people at home. No one shoots charity work on camera to put on public display.

This aid to the poor is not trumpeted at every intersection. People just do a good deed together and do not wait for the approval of others. They do not count on praise or world fame: the truly good representatives of humanity do not need advertising.

Grateful citizens began to be interested in the person of the benefactor, but the priest could not satisfy their curiosity: he did not know the name of the one who gave money to charity. The man with a big heart preferred to remain incognito, and only his attorney was in contact with the xenjo. But without knowing the name of the donor, they do not forget to pray for his health. In the temple, people remember him every day with a kind word and ask the Lord that such good people meet more often.

It is still a mystery who helps the poor. It is not known whether it is a man or a woman. They only know that this is a beautiful soul.
I can't stand visiting my daughter, don't think, I love her very much, but there's one caveat.
My mother-in-law called and told me to leave the children and come home urgently, otherwise the marriage cannot be saved.