The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Temple of Artemis is one of the seven wonders of the world. To date, from its former magnificence was only one column, but from ancient records, we can conclude that it was one of the most magnificent structures created by man. story of the foundation of the temple begins the VII century BC, but in fact, the construction was completed only in 550 BC. e. The temple was the most significant buildings of ancient Greek culture and is dedicated to Artemis - goddess of ancient hunting, Lady wildlife. A full understanding of the appearance and decoration of the temple, we can not recreate, from numerous sources that far from the place where now located the ruins of the temple was a small shrine with a statue of Artemis. And it is here that were later found numerous ornaments of bronze, amber, ivory, as well as gold and silver coins.
Greek king Croesus decided to immortalize his name by creating the most beautiful temple in the history of mankind. Inviting the most famous and talented architects and throwing a lot of candidates, he chose Hersifrone. The architect came to the selection of areas outside the box. It would seem inappropriate for the construction of a shocking place was not found - swamp! But Hersifron judged differently, he believed that the soft marshy surface will be a good cushion for the temple during earthquakes, often destroys the building of this region. In order to make possible the construction of the temple was dug a huge pit filled with a mixture of charcoal and wool. The architect had to constantly invent new engineering devices. Delivery of stone slabs was not an easy thing, they are constantly bogged down in soft soil. Several times Hersifron despair. Idea seemed to him impracticable and unnecessary risk. But, despite this temple was still elevated.
It was a magnificent structure 110 meters long and 55 meters wide, surrounded on all sides by a double colonnade. Two rows of eight columns each, the height of 18 meters, decorated facades. Two rows of twenty columns in each side formed a colonnade - only 125 columns. Great architect could be proud of yourself!
But almost two hundred years later, around 356 BC. e. this great historical monument was burned to the ground. Offender named Herostrat set fire temple, driven by the desire to become famous. Of course, he was executed, but for a long time the place was once a beautiful building took ashes. By a strange coincidence, the day of the death of the Temple of Artemis coincided with the birthday of Alexander the Great. Later, he decided to revive the temple and completely cover the cost of its restoration. At this time, the Temple of Artemis was built in a few years and has become even more beautiful. Temple of Alexander the Great lasted until the III century BC. e. Gradually the bay of Ephesus swerved silt and eventually the town lost its importance. The Temple of Artemis was sacked by the Goths, and still later was flooded flooding. It was the final destruction of this wonder of the world. No one else was trying to restore it.