My husband and I used to split our expenses in half, which was fine, but that changed when I got pregnant.

The topic of money in the family is always under special attention. Men and women have different views on finances, it’s no secret. And it's not about character, it's just that we've got nature. Family budget revenues It can be formed only from the salary of the husband, and also from the salary of the wife. What changes that fact?

Peels is actually quite a lot. The relationship of spouses to each other is formed, among other things, by the one who brings more diverse benefits to their common life. Statistically, a working woman will never hide her discontent. And this can lead to a whole chain of other, not always positive, events. This in turn often leads to divorce.

Income from the family budget Hello. I want to share with you my situation in life, and at the same time ask a question. The thing is, I'm on maternity leave now. Before the wedding, my future husband and I dated for a long time. I fell in love with him and he fell in love with me. I've looked at other couples and I've seen that they're not even close to our relationship: they've had lies, they've used each other, they've had something. We were completely honest with each other.

So without any conscience, I said yes when my husband asked me to marry. We were both working at the time. I earned a little less, but not really, we had enough for a living. Even before the wedding, when we started living together, we had an agreement: split the costs in half. In percentage terms, of course. After all, again, I earned a little less.

Family life, in general, suited me completely. We lived well before my marriage, and I didn’t notice much difference. Exactly until she got pregnant. I had to take a decree, the money became less and my husband was specifically distraught. If we used to decide everything together, now he thinks he's master of the situation. I tried not to pay attention to it, because all my thoughts focused on the imminent arrival of the child.

The budget is cracking at the seams, but after the birth of his son, it got even worse. I expected a long stay with the baby. After all, in the first year at least, we should be inseparable. The look and smell of a mother is very important for children at this age. Well, think about it, isn't it? Except my husband's in position. He demands that I return to work, and our son, in turn, will be given to my mother-in-law. Because, you see, the family budget is cracking at the seams and we need to do something about it.

I don't want to go to work. I want to spend more time with my son. And the presence of my mother-in-law in our apartment, frankly, I am not delighted. I don't think that's a good idea. And it's not laziness at all. What should I do in this situation? I never thought my husband would ever talk to me about money. And if something happens to me, will he refuse to provide for us? Is that normal at all?

Income of the family budget: advice from the editorial office Whatever the husband and wife are friends in a couple, money is money. And if you share them with a man in half, the result will not be positive. On the contrary, a man will get used to this development of events and will not be able to plan for situations that may occur in the future. The story above says exactly that. Everything was fine until the first difficulties came.

If a woman did not invest in the family budget at all or the share of her investment would be significantly lower, the man would be more prepared. This does not mean that a woman has to sit on a man’s neck all her life. Absolutely not. If she is sitting at home, her contribution should be measured by the work she has done, which is normal, balance. But if she works and is thrown into the family budget, then to demand something from her above is dishonest and wrong.

No one blames her husband for not coming after work and washing the dishes. It's nonsense. So why should a woman work for two? Such behavior leads to the fact that a woman can simply break down. And from a bright, interesting person to something terrible. Who would want such a marriage?

Just look at the people around you. In every bedroom yard there are a few angry old women. Who are they? All the same women who plowed during the day and did the house in the evening. At some point, the nerves could not withstand and now, the wife is already turning into a grumpy and constantly sawing her husband on a variety of topics. A husband lying on the couch is to her like a red rag to a bull. Was it worth it?

Of course, the financial capabilities of each individual family cannot be analyzed. And it is not necessary, because the family itself must solve their problems with the means. But what we can definitely advise is that you should not count on your spouse as a serious source of financial infusion. Never. Otherwise, both will be disappointed, he and she. As they say, sheepskin is not worth making.


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