A kind grandmother at the market told how to identify worm cherries by a couple of signs

Although worm-cherry It is not dangerous to human life, it can ruin your mood for the whole day. Especially if you are a girl with a squeamish character. Especially if after the bite you saw part of the worm left in the berry. Well, that's what it's like, summer. Another surprise after mosquitoes.

Peels But we will certainly come to the rescue in all weather conditions. And, of course, share another life hack that simplifies life. After all, the fact is that cherries, cherries and many other berries can be cleaned from all sorts of bugs, worms and bugs, without spending a lot of energy and energy. The tool is folk, safe and not expensive at all. Guarantee!

Let’s start with the fact that the nutritional value, that of cherries, that of cherries, is completely low. Something like 50-60 calories per 100 grams. This is to the fact that some believe that fruits and berries can quickly recover. Nothing like that. And, since we have already touched on this topic, proteins and fats in cherries are also practically absent. Unless you consider the unlucky worm inside the berry.

Otherwise, it is considered that the cherry contains about 16 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product. But at the same time, the vast majority of these carbohydrates consist of natural fructose and glucose. Which, in turn, are absorbed by our body easily and simply.

Also, do not forget about fiber. Many people who lose weight know that it has the most positive effect on our digestion. And products that contain a large amount of this substance can quickly and painlessly reduce the number of centimeters on your waist.

In addition, fiber normalizes the amount of cholesterol in your body, which for obese people is a real problem. It also helps the normal functioning of the intestine and does not allow constipation. It also contributes to a feeling of satiety. This is also very useful for people who are overweight.

The glycemic index measures the effect of a particular food on the amount, blood sugar level. In other words, the lower the GI, the better for our health. In cherries and cherries, it is expected to be quite low. So with these natural sweets you are not afraid of any diabetes. In addition, our berries contain a decent amount of vitamin A, C, antioxidants and potassium. No candy can be more useful than a natural product.

How to find a good cherry So how is worm cherry different from normal? To be honest, it's pretty simple. First of all, look at the color of the skin. If it’s rich, deep, dark red, that’s a good sign. He shows that not a single boob has not had time to try this berry, which makes it look almost perfect.

On the other hand, the cherry, which was collected on time and which, by all accounts, should have ripened, looks pale and slightly dented, probably affected by the worm. The larvae will climb inside the cherries and feel very good there. So visually the holes from their work is difficult to see. They often seal them from the inside out. So pay attention to the spots on the surface of the fruit. Or small notches. Which, frankly, is no longer easy to notice.

These tips are suitable if you are walking around the market and want to buy some fresh tasty food for dessert. It is always better to buy pure fruits, without bugs. However, it is simply impossible to be insured in this case. This is nature, so if a worm crawls into some cherry, it only indicates that it is natural. And not chemical or greenhouse, like those fruits that come to the shelves of our stores straight from abroad.

Already at home, when the rush passes and you can study the purchased goods, you will probably notice a couple of worms. To completely protect yourself and your family from an unpleasant date with an insect in dessert or jam, do the following simple actions. Pick up enough clean water in a container so that all the berries can be completely placed in it.

Add a few spoons of salt to this water. A regular cook will do. Stir it and make sure the salt dissolves completely. Now immerse yourself in a solution of berries, stir your hands a little and go do your own business for about half an hour. When you come back, you will see what rich and diverse fauna you brought with you from the market. It is good that now it can be very convenient to drain away, and leave only delicious berries. Here we go.

Don't be afraid, the cherries won't become salty after that. They won't change the taste at all. But you can do a lot of interesting culinary things with them: from baking fillings to homemade hot drinks. It's all in your hands. And remember, this trick is suitable for most berries that are found in our stores: strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries. Water and salt will clean them up. Use our life hack for your health!


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