What dishes we do not like hot, but in cold form are eaten for pleasure

Do you remember the unusual taste of cold pasta straight from the pan? Or fried potatoes from a pan? Everyone at least once in his life ate cold food, which is customary to eat hot. And someone likes warmed cold and cold borscht. Everyone here has their own taste preferences. Dividing food into hot and cold It can only be conditional. Because those and those dishes, as a rule, are prepared from the same products. Only the style of presentation and some components change.

Science has long proven the fact that you can not eat very hot and very cold food. It should be room temperature or acceptable for a person. More useful is the food that has undergone at least minimal heat treatment. And, of course, you need what you want in reasonable quantities. What food will be most useful in hot and cold form? Editorial "Site" I decided to deal with this culinary issue.

Once in ancient times, shepherds, going to herd sheep far into the mountains, took bread, cheese and milk with them. In the modern world, this set of ingredients has become a cheese fondue. Naturally, bread and cheese sandwiches are considered healthy and nutritious even today. They can be taken to work, eat for breakfast, take on the road or travel.

Peels Cheese of good quality for a long time does not spoil and retains its properties. It is a universal product in any form. It can be eaten cold as a snack, and can be in the form of hot sandwiches.

Equally tasty and healthy dishes can be poultry meat and fish. Generally, doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating hot fish. It should be a little warm. Poultry meat is also preferably warm. Although it is very tasty in cold form.

Such products are perfectly combined with grilled vegetables or salads, but without mayonnaise. Also, poultry meat can be used as a filling in cold dishes, for example, in shawarma or rolls with meat and vegetables. Such meat is not fatty and is considered the most dietary and healthy.

Today in cooking, more and more attention is paid to the first dishes, which can be served not only in hot form. Cold soups, borscht and ear have a great taste in chilled form. And in the summer heat, such food will be a real salvation.

So the assortment of the first summer dishes, except for okroshka, has greatly expanded recently. And most importantly, the preparation of cold first dishes is no more difficult than the usual hot ones. And topical recipes can always be picked up to your taste and preferences.

The older generation is used to eating cereal hot. They say they're better absorbed. But that's far from it. Buckwheat, low-fat rice or pilaf, wheat porridge perfectly "set" in cold form. This makes them more useful to your body. By the way, potatoes or potato cutlets are also very good in cold form.

And the main advice from our editorial board for dear readers is not afraid to experiment and expand your culinary horizons. Perhaps you will invent a new combination of flavors and ingredients.

What do you like to eat in cold form from the usual hot dishes? Share your experiments in the comments!


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