More than 50,000 Japanese have crossed the century mark, how they manage to live so long and what is their main secret

Average life expectancy in Japan It stands at an impressive 84 years old, which is about 20 years more than in the post-Soviet countries. But if in the latter indicator decreases or stands still, in Japan life expectancy is growing. Well, it would seem that much more?

Today's edition. "Site" It offers to speculate how the people of Japan can easily live to 100 years. After all, those who celebrated the centenary, in the country already more than 80 thousand. Scientists say that this number will grow to 1 million in the coming decades! And this is quite possible, because the main centenarians live here for 110 and 115 years. What's their secret?

Of course, such anomalous indicators are of interest to researchers around the world. And in Japan, they often conduct surveys of the same centenarians, asking them to share their tricks.

For example, a 2022 survey (several hundred people were interviewed) provided curious results. Most often, centenarians talked about proper nutrition, and among their favorite foods were rice, vegetables and milk. The second most popular was optimism and confidence in the future.

Then came physical activity, communication and hobbies. The Japanese also talked about being grateful for everything they have. Focus on proper day and sleep patterns. Closed the list of the most popular answers paragraph “take care of yourself”.

Features of nutrition and behavior The Japanese interviewed most often stated the need to eat both what they like and what they do not like. And if the product is really useful, then it should be added to your diet, despite your preferences.

The body here is considered a real temple, which should be treated with special care. Therefore, you need to measure vegetable food, a minimum of strong drinks and a complete rejection of bad habits.

However, there are enough countries in the world where residents eat delicious fruits and vegetables from morning to evening, and live much less than the Japanese. The key here is an optimistic attitude. After all, the Japanese are really very positive people who respect each interlocutor (and his feelings).

Having a relatively small territory and no natural resources, the Japanese managed to create the third largest economy in the world. They did not stop at failures, but drew conclusions and moved forward with even greater zeal. They did not let bad thoughts overpower themselves, but drove them away in order to continue living with a smile and joy.

It is said that it is impossible to find a more positive nation. The Japanese were among the first to understand the importance of controlling their thoughts. If you have bad thoughts in your head, they will poison your life and those around you. Positive thoughts make you and everyone who is lucky enough to be with you better.

The Japanese dropped the word "no." They learned to control their thinking to prevent negative thoughts from taking a chance. In addition, they developed the principle of ikigai, which helps to find purpose, to find meaning in life. Such a goal may concern a family, or a faith, or the continuation of a lifelong occupation. In any case, it helps a person to enjoy life at any age, to feel their importance.

What do you see as the main secret? Japanese longevity? Share your thoughts in the comments. Also find out why the Japanese sleep on the floor. Read a collection of interesting facts about Japan. The land of the rising sun has something to surprise you.


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