Psychologists unanimously say that there is no friendship with exes without a hidden motive.

Many modern couples continue to communicate with their exes even after breaking up. This is considered normal and progressive. But is there really a friendship between exes? Psychologists believe that there is something else behind this friendship.

Editorial "Site" I decided to find out why you should not be friends with your ex.

When we break up with a partner, we often promise that we will remain friends and will communicate. It seems logical, because you have a common past, pleasant memories and feelings. Of course, this is not the case when the relationship ends in a scandal. However, many people eventually stop communicating with their exes. Psychologists believe this is a normal reaction.

It is worse when people continue to communicate closely after a breakup. It turns out that this may indicate the presence of mental disorders. A few years ago, a study was conducted in New Zealand. It was attended by 850 people. They answered a number of questions about past relationships. After studying the history and answers of all people, scientists found that friendships with former partners are supported only by those who suffer from mental disorders.

Of course, these are very loud statements. But there's a lot to think about. It often happens that the desire to maintain friendship with the ex hides something more. For example, the partner secretly hopes that the novel is not finished. Or just counting on intimacy, but without any commitment. Either way, it's a wake-up call.

Experts are sure that you need to treat caution to partners who strongly insist on maintaining friendly relations. Sometimes the desire to become friends is a sign of narcissism. One of the main signs of this disorder is a strong sense of possession. It is difficult for such a person to accept the idea of letting go of someone who belonged to him. You wouldn't want to be in a relationship like that.

It can also be a sign that your partner is a psychopath. People with this disorder also react very poorly to a breakup. If you agree to a friendship with such a person, you are provided with constant tantrums and manipulations. It will be difficult to start a new life with such a person.

Often, the need for friendship signals a deep emotional attachment. Sometimes the feelings of one partner fade faster than the other. Then it turns out that the former are friends, but one still hopes for a relationship. In the end, such communication will only lead to disappointment and conflict. If you realize that you still have some feelings, it is best to end the relationship completely. It's better for both of you.

The subject of relationships and feelings is very subtle. It is difficult to give advice, because they are not suitable for everyone. There are people for whom the format of friendship after a relationship is quite suitable. And there's nothing wrong with that. It’s important to be honest with yourself and your partner, even if you’re an ex. We live in a modern world. And now, culturally and calmly parting is the rule of good manners. There is no need to turn a loved one into a personal enemy.

What do you think of that? Is there a friendship between exes? Tell me in the comments!


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