Eleven ideas for compact shoe storage
A lot of shoes is a problem that affects almost every family. Often in small apartments it is very difficult to store a few dozen pairs of shoes. Today, our editorial board will share with you the universal ideas that allow you to save space in the house.
Storage of shoes
Tell your friends about these. footwear - they'll be grateful! Don’t forget to learn how to clean your shoes with banana peels.
Storage of shoes
- Shoes in heels can be stored vertically. If you have a small niche in the wall, use it as a place to store your favorite shoes and sandals.
- In the pantry you can build such an unusual organizer for shoes.
- Use special hangers for shoes so as not to deform your favorite ballet or Vietnamese.
- Shoes can be used as an interior element. Having built such an unusual staircase, you will bring a note of diversity to the interior of your home.
- Wine crates can be used as a temporary place to store flat shoes.
- Having made such an unusual stand, you will forever forget about the shoes scattered everywhere.
- Beautiful boxes will be a great place to store shoes in the corridor.
- Use plastic bottles so that your shoes do not deform.
- If you are the lucky owner of a lot of expensive shoes, keep it in a beautiful place!
- Such a stand is an indispensable piece of furniture in a house where there are many children.
- So that the boots do not leave dirty marks on the floor, make a special stand of sea stones.
Tell your friends about these. footwear - they'll be grateful! Don’t forget to learn how to clean your shoes with banana peels.
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