Cheat sheet for knitters
Back in fashion again. openworkcrocheted. Models from Japanese fashion magazines are particularly elegant, it is impossible to look at them indifferently! But the schemes to them are quite confusing, with many small elements.
To systematize knitting techniques and make life easier for needlewomen, "Site" I have prepared a cloth with which you can chart any complexity.
Symbols for crocheting
Knitting is not only a fascinating and useful hobby, but also a way to relax, a kind of yoga for the brain. Perfectly calms the nerves and gives the opportunity to flaunt in the original author’s outfits!
Share this wonderful cheat sheet with your master friends, they will be grateful!

To systematize knitting techniques and make life easier for needlewomen, "Site" I have prepared a cloth with which you can chart any complexity.
Symbols for crocheting
- The basic elements that underlie all patterns.
- Loops for "advanced."
- Elements that are used to untie volumetric patterns.
- "Popcorn," "pineapples." How much I didn't know!
- Choosing the right one hook-size It depends on the thickness and composition of the thread: the thicker the thread, the larger the hook should be. Although this is an optional rule, because if you knit a product of thin threads with a hook No. 3-3.5, the pattern will be more airy, with large loops. The desired density is achieved experimentally.
- Variations of the pattern “grid” based on the basic elements.
- The most beautiful motifs from columns with one cape.
- An example of combining elements.
- Beautiful patterns for a knitted light cardigan.
- Here comes the pineapples!
- I always wanted to tie a collar, but I thought I wouldn’t be able to. Now the picture is clear!
Knitting is not only a fascinating and useful hobby, but also a way to relax, a kind of yoga for the brain. Perfectly calms the nerves and gives the opportunity to flaunt in the original author’s outfits!
Share this wonderful cheat sheet with your master friends, they will be grateful!
You can't forgive yourself for not knowing this! The main thing is not to lose time, the first 3 hours.
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