In what container to plant an orchid, so that it is guaranteed to bloom magnificently

More recently, I bought an orchid that didn’t want to take root in an ordinary plastic pot. Subsequently, it turned out that the roots of the phalaenopsis were very sensitive to excess moisture in the container: gradually they began to rot.

After searching all the forums of flower growers, I came across an unusual advice: plant into a wooden basket. I decided to do an experiment, and it was very successful! Shortly after the transplant, my orchid threw out a large flower-nosed plant on which many buds appeared.

Transplanting an orchid into a basket is a great compromise between a plastic pot and a block. The basket provides easy air access to the roots and prevents them from rotting. To transplant a green beauty into a basket, follow this simple scheme!

Orchid transplantation at home

You'll need it.
  • wooden-basket
  • sphagnum
  • crust (large and small fractions)

  1. Place the moss on the bottom as well as on the walls of the basket.

  2. Place a layer of large bark on the bottom of the basket.

  3. Place the plant in a basket and fill it with smaller bark.

  4. Put the last layer, sphagnum.

Such a basket will look more decorative than a regular plastic pot. I prefer to hang it on a fishing line to the ceiling, this saves precious space on the windowsill. Also, the basket will be preferred for those species of orchids that let flower-noses down, through the thickness of the substrate (stangopei, coriantes, dracules).

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