Who and why you need to add turmeric and honey to the diet
If honey has taken its place in our diet, then turmeric is just starting its way. But what happens when you mix these two wonderful products? That's what we're going to talk about today.
Editorial "Site" She shares with you a wonderful recipe for the “golden mixture”, which will become an indispensable component of your diet.
Turmeric with honey "Golden Mix" is a combination of honey and turmeric. This drink is considered a storehouse of useful properties. Today we will tell you how to make it and why to drink this drink.
You'll need it.
Mix turmeric, apple cider vinegar and pepper. Add lemon peel and honey. Stir well until you get a homogeneous mass. By the way, black pepper is added to accelerate the absorption of turmeric, and this has been proven scientifically. Store this miracle mixture is necessary in a jar with a lid and necessarily in the refrigerator!
How to take
The recipe of the “golden mixture” has long been passed down from generation to generation. And no wonder, because turmeric is one of the most useful spices. If you do not want to bother with the preparation of the mixture, you can just pour a little spice in all your dishes. The benefits will be no less. Is there turmeric in your diet?
Editorial "Site" She shares with you a wonderful recipe for the “golden mixture”, which will become an indispensable component of your diet.
Turmeric with honey "Golden Mix" is a combination of honey and turmeric. This drink is considered a storehouse of useful properties. Today we will tell you how to make it and why to drink this drink.
You'll need it.
- 100g honey
- 1 tbsp turmeric
- 1 chip of black pepper
- 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp lemon peel
Mix turmeric, apple cider vinegar and pepper. Add lemon peel and honey. Stir well until you get a homogeneous mass. By the way, black pepper is added to accelerate the absorption of turmeric, and this has been proven scientifically. Store this miracle mixture is necessary in a jar with a lid and necessarily in the refrigerator!
How to take
- 1 tbsp mixture in the morning will help to cheer up, and will also protect you from various bacteria. But that doesn’t mean you should stop wearing a mask.
DepositPhotos - It happens that for a long time I was outside and so cold that you can not warm up. So that tomorrow there are no symptoms, take 0.5 tsp. Also have some hot tea. The next day you can drink a couple more spoons of the mixture.
DepositPhotos - And most importantly, use the mixture correctly. You need to put the finished mixture in your mouth and wait until it melts itself. After consumption, it is undesirable to immediately drink water or rinse the mouth. Also, the mixture can be eaten at breakfast, spread on a slice of bread or added to tea, but only it should be at room temperature.
The recipe of the “golden mixture” has long been passed down from generation to generation. And no wonder, because turmeric is one of the most useful spices. If you do not want to bother with the preparation of the mixture, you can just pour a little spice in all your dishes. The benefits will be no less. Is there turmeric in your diet?
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