Should you be best friends with your brother or sister?
Family is people who love and support you. However, it is not so simple, sometimes it is the family that becomes the source of all your misfortunes and problems. In this article, we will try to give some tips on how to build relationships with your loved ones.
Brother-sister relationship Brother-sister relationship It's different. It all depends on many different factors, such as age, influence of parents and even the financial condition of the family.
The attitude of brother and sister You need to talk not only to children, but also to adults. Many are scattered around the world, but there are happy families in which brothers and sisters maintain close relationships until old age.
How to build a relationship with your brother or sister
Try to take our advice into account, but do not create illusions. If you can clearly see that a person wants nothing to do with you, except for a few family meetings a year, you should not waste time and effort on him.
Brother-sister relationship Brother-sister relationship It's different. It all depends on many different factors, such as age, influence of parents and even the financial condition of the family.

The attitude of brother and sister You need to talk not only to children, but also to adults. Many are scattered around the world, but there are happy families in which brothers and sisters maintain close relationships until old age.

How to build a relationship with your brother or sister
- Be prepared to work on relationships Work on any relationship that is important to you. I think you’ve heard that marriage and friendship require your attention and listening skills. It's the same with the family.
In order to establish a relationship, you need to understand a person, put yourself in his place, look at the world through his eyes. It takes some effort. But be careful! Understand the importance of a relationship before spending so much energy and vitality on it. - Look at the man with a fresh look. Remember that people change, and your brother or sister is not the same as you knew as a child. Try to build a new relationship, forgetting old resentments.
- Stop making excuses. Don't be afraid to take risks! You may not be able to build a close relationship, but you will not lose anything if you try. With your brother or sister, you can have strong support for life.
- Not just social media. Communication in messengers is a good way to keep in touch. However, you should not rely only on him. To build a strong close relationship, you need to let a person into your life, see him, hear his voice. Arrange joint movie screenings and outings with families. You will not believe how much joy and good spirits it can bring.
Try to take our advice into account, but do not create illusions. If you can clearly see that a person wants nothing to do with you, except for a few family meetings a year, you should not waste time and effort on him.