Why it's time to stop planting potatoes
When it comes to the cottage, it is often said that the garden is a way to distract from everyday worries.
But at some point you begin to understand that for a lot of worries on the way out you get a puff. “Rest” all day in the beds, and in the evening you fall dead, complaining of pressure and low back pain. Familiar painting?
To be honest and unbiased, it turns out that much of what we do in our garden can be abandoned. Time, as you know, is money. So I don't spend it on unnecessary things.
What to do in the garden
This article is just a reason to think about what we really need on the site and what not. Perhaps someone has other examples of habitual summer activities that require us to spend unnecessary effort, time and money.

But at some point you begin to understand that for a lot of worries on the way out you get a puff. “Rest” all day in the beds, and in the evening you fall dead, complaining of pressure and low back pain. Familiar painting?

To be honest and unbiased, it turns out that much of what we do in our garden can be abandoned. Time, as you know, is money. So I don't spend it on unnecessary things.
What to do in the garden
- I don't plant potatoes. They say that in the presence of a vegetable garden, the potatoes were grown by God himself, but, in my opinion, in terms of labor costs from ordinary garden crops, he simply has no equal.
Everyone knows that potatoes require regular irrigation in drought and at least two-fold irrigation, plus weeding. And plant and collect? And with the Colorado beetle, if not fought, will completely eat all the foliage.
If you calculate all the costs, then your potato is not much cheaper bought on the market. And a broken back and wasted time? Everyone, of course, draws conclusions and decides for themselves, but I have not planted potatoes for a couple of years. - I am not trying to change the soil in my garden. This soil is not suitable, for example, beets, no matter how much you plant - it does not grow more than a tennis ball.
Previously, to change the acidity of the soil and neutralize the pH, sprinkled the garden with drinking soda and starch. I'm tired of saying, "Beets, goodbye!" I'll buy you in autumn at the fair. I'd rather make a tall bed with the soil acidity I need and grow what I want. - He stopped fighting for cleanliness. There will be a path between the grass beds. So it's better than the soil being bare. And with the help of herbicides, no matter how much grass weeds, they are replaced by others, even more tenacious.
Beat the weeds Once and for all, you will not succeed by definition. Therefore, you should not spend hours humpling with a boot. The easiest and most effective way is to use mulching, which I do. - I used to think that the more I watered, the bigger the harvest. Watering worked day and night, but as a result, weeds grew more abundantly. And this, in turn, deprived of food growing vegetables. The green mass grew, and the harvest did not increase.
- He stopped buying chemical fertilizers. I only use compost, organics and green fertilizer of my own preparation. Excessive fertilization of the soil caused its salinity, and vegetables did not yield a crop.
- He stopped trying with manic persistence. split in the shady areas of the garden. The lawn and recreation area have increased. Beautiful!
- Stopped poisoning garden pests with chemistry. I remove the aphid mechanically. I don't fight ants, let them live.
This article is just a reason to think about what we really need on the site and what not. Perhaps someone has other examples of habitual summer activities that require us to spend unnecessary effort, time and money.