She Drinks 1 Glass of Whiskey Every Day To Feel Perfect By Her 100th Birthday

When British Dorothy Howe On her 100th birthday, she said she owed her longevity to a daily serving of whiskey. Naturally, in her hands at this moment she was holding a glass of her favorite drink with ice!

Doctors confirm that, indeed, 40-50 ml of this hot drink, drunk daily, not only do not harm health, but, on the contrary, have a positive effect on the body. Important point: whiskey It should be of high quality, from proven natural raw materials.

Good whiskey is obtained by distilling fermented barley-wortRye or corn. The composition of the drink on the label should not include ethyl or methyl alcohol, nor any flavors, fragrances or food additives.

  1. Whiskey for brain health
    Hot drink in moderation increases cognitive function of the brain, which helps reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and prevents the occurrence of senile dementia.
  2. Whiskey for heart and vascular health
    Drinking whiskey daily can reduce the risk of heart attack by 50%. Also, the drink regulates blood clotting, which reduces the likelihood of thrombosis.
  3. Whiskey for cancer prevention
    The high content of whisky ellagic acid, which acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals in the body, reduces the risk of cancer by 45%.
  4. Whiskey for digestive health
    A portion of whiskey after a meal enhances the digestion of food, preventing flatulence and intestinal colic.
  5. Whiskey for diabetes prevention
    This drink regulates blood glucose levels, which prevents the development of diabetes.

So that this article does not become a propaganda of alcoholism, "Site" We are talking about 50 ml of whiskey a day. Nothing more! Remember that alcoholism It's detrimental to health.

Do your friends know about the properties of this drink?


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