You need to have time to throw salt in the window before September 25 to improve life in all respects.

Without salt is not enough to cook most dishes. But it's not just a seasoning! Experienced housewives know how to use white crystals for washing, cleaning and personal hygiene. And our great-grandmothers knew how to get rid of negativity with salt, protect themselves from the evil eye, create a talisman and return prosperity to the house.

Just as salt absorbs water, it has the property of absorbing negative energy. Therefore, a pinch of properly prepared salt is a kind of trap for the dark forces.

However, it should be remembered that not all salt is suitable. Use of the product is allowed only from a new pack. And it is better if they are large crystals without additives like iodine, calcium and the like.

Why throw salt in the window? Take a small pinch of salt with your left hand. Then go to the window and blow the salt off your hand. He said, I ask for help from the light forces, for myself, for my home. I blow away all worries, all problems. I call for prosperity, comfort and well-being. I'm becoming a magnet for happiness. May help come from Above for me. That said, let it be done!

After this ritual, as psychics say, it will become easier to breathe. If there were quarrels or illnesses, they would soon cease. You will feel all the negativity drop by drop starting to disappear from your life.

Why do you need to do this before September 25th? The fact is that the greatest effect of salt manipulation is given during the period when the moon is in the most active phase of waning. After all, believe it or not, and the natural satellite of the Earth has a noticeable effect on the state of our body.

For some, the waning moon causes slowness and lethargy. Others are constantly crying or suffering from headaches. But both of these practices can provide quite strong energy support. Especially in a difficult emotional state.

Recently, we all feel the constant pressure of negative news. Watching news on TV or scrolling in social networks cause depression and sleep deprivation. Against this background, it will be useful to recall a kind of lifehak from Tibetan monks.

In the evening before going to bed, collect a glass of water and add 2 tablespoons of edible salt to it. Then mix well. Put the glass under the bed, at your feet. Take out a glass in the morning and look at its contents.

The glass may become foggy or bubbles may appear in it, the salt may settle tightly at the bottom and even darken - all this suggests that there was a lot of negativity in your thoughts and house. Do not hesitate, pour water into the toilet and flush, and in the evening repeat the procedure.

Salt water at the feet removes from a person the negative accumulated during the day and improves well-being. In addition, it becomes easier to breathe, strength and positive energy appear. Also, salt water can help get rid of insomnia, however, in this case, monks advise putting a glass of water at the head of the bed.

As we have already said, salt and water perfectly absorb energy. So even the salt you use to cook can be magical. To do this, it is enough to say various kind words to her, wishing happiness to his relatives and friends.

Clean Thursday is a special day of Holy Week. On this day, it is customary to clean the house and prepare for the bright Easter holiday. According to Orthodox tradition, only on this day you can prepare a special salt that has healing properties. We tell you how to make Thursday salt by all the rules.


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