Scientists have found out why a person appendix. This study changes a lot!

If the appendix becomes inflamed, it is usually cut out and justified. The risk of peritonitis with a fatal outcome is too great! But nature did not just give a person a strange appendage of the intestine.

The benefits of the appendix for the body have become known recently, and doctors consider this discovery very valuable for further studies of immunity. A team of immunologists found that in ancient times, the appendix saved a person’s life after suffering dysentery or cholera, and here’s why.

Appendix functions as a storehouse of beneficial bacteria that are important for the proper functioning of the intestine. After the intestinal microflora died due to a serious disease, the appendix supplied the intestine with stored bacteria, restoring gastrointestinal.

Now this function of the appendix is not in demand: the planet is now densely populated, because there are no problems with the presence of bacteria. People generously share their microbiota with each other without even noticing it.

But in the days of cholera, a terrible disease killed all living things, including the beneficial intestinal microflora, without which the body could not work properly. Then the appendix came to the rescue, delivering the right bacteria to the intestine!

This information was a real revelation to me! Did you have your appendix removed? Share with your friends news from the world of medicine, they probably have not heard about it.


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