Eva saw the omen of victory and told when the war will end
Date of end of war It concerns not only Ukrainians, but also residents of other countries. Everyone has long understood that the events of Ukraine directly affect the world community. No one knows exactly when this horror will end. However, astrologers and other experts do not cease to put forward their theories. We will share one of them in today’s article.
Once I shared with you interesting predictions of Eva, the creator of the science of happiness. However, the unusual soothsayer again went on the air of the YouTube channel “My Svit” to share her thoughts.
Recently, Ava was on an extraordinary journey in which she gained invaluable experience and touched the higher matter of our world. There came signs of the end of the war in Ukraine. The woman saw that the world will begin to help Ukrainians even more. She compares this aid to the King Arthur Round Table Knights.
The plan to end the war is extremely complex. Since this problem is solved not only in the material world, but also in the spiritual world, not all people can understand this. Therefore, Eva urges Ukrainians to simply trust the higher forces and believe in a miracle.
The prophet emphasizes that the enemy will be destroyed. If you just punish him, the events will be launched into a new circle of samsara. True warriors should dream of the prosperity of their state. It is possible only after the complete destruction of the enemy.
Ava calls it an act of love. For love means not only mercy, but also justice and truth. The soothsayer believes that only after the complete destruction of enemy troops, the lost souls of these people will be able to free themselves.
The full-scale war in Ukraine opened people’s eyes to many things. People in different countries have seen that the world we live in is far from ideal. Codependency of states, corruption, bureaucracy are serious problems of our time. But they are solvable.
Ava believes that Ukraine can become an island of prosperity. It will certainly set an example to other countries where people today live involuntarily, because everything is led by people in power. Right now, Ukrainians are creating their own destiny. No one knows how long it will take to complete this process.
The date of the end of the war is matter, the approximation of which depends on the mass of factors. Earlier, Eva said that the turning point was supposed to be May 2022. The war could have ended in June. However, what the seer expected did not happen. Unification of the whole world against the omnipresent evil did not happen.
Ava looked at several options for the development of further events. According to one version, China can make its contribution to Russia’s war against Ukraine. And for Russian troops, this will become the main stumbling block on the way to seizing Ukrainian lands.
To end the war faster, only weapons are not enough. It is more important that people start changing themselves. In the new world there will be fairness, justice and responsibility. Are people ready for this? This is not just about Ukrainians. There must be an evolution of the entire civilization.
The forecaster focuses on the variability of our future. Prophets of the past predicted that the world would end in 2012. To some extent, it happened. But only in the sense that all roads are open.
“Now the spirit is awakening through Ukraine,” concludes Eva. This explains why the war started in Ukraine. This is of great importance for the further development of the entire planet Earth.
What do you think about these unusual predictions? Do you believe Ava?

Once I shared with you interesting predictions of Eva, the creator of the science of happiness. However, the unusual soothsayer again went on the air of the YouTube channel “My Svit” to share her thoughts.
Recently, Ava was on an extraordinary journey in which she gained invaluable experience and touched the higher matter of our world. There came signs of the end of the war in Ukraine. The woman saw that the world will begin to help Ukrainians even more. She compares this aid to the King Arthur Round Table Knights.

The plan to end the war is extremely complex. Since this problem is solved not only in the material world, but also in the spiritual world, not all people can understand this. Therefore, Eva urges Ukrainians to simply trust the higher forces and believe in a miracle.
The prophet emphasizes that the enemy will be destroyed. If you just punish him, the events will be launched into a new circle of samsara. True warriors should dream of the prosperity of their state. It is possible only after the complete destruction of the enemy.

Ava calls it an act of love. For love means not only mercy, but also justice and truth. The soothsayer believes that only after the complete destruction of enemy troops, the lost souls of these people will be able to free themselves.
The full-scale war in Ukraine opened people’s eyes to many things. People in different countries have seen that the world we live in is far from ideal. Codependency of states, corruption, bureaucracy are serious problems of our time. But they are solvable.
Ava believes that Ukraine can become an island of prosperity. It will certainly set an example to other countries where people today live involuntarily, because everything is led by people in power. Right now, Ukrainians are creating their own destiny. No one knows how long it will take to complete this process.

The date of the end of the war is matter, the approximation of which depends on the mass of factors. Earlier, Eva said that the turning point was supposed to be May 2022. The war could have ended in June. However, what the seer expected did not happen. Unification of the whole world against the omnipresent evil did not happen.
Ava looked at several options for the development of further events. According to one version, China can make its contribution to Russia’s war against Ukraine. And for Russian troops, this will become the main stumbling block on the way to seizing Ukrainian lands.

To end the war faster, only weapons are not enough. It is more important that people start changing themselves. In the new world there will be fairness, justice and responsibility. Are people ready for this? This is not just about Ukrainians. There must be an evolution of the entire civilization.
The forecaster focuses on the variability of our future. Prophets of the past predicted that the world would end in 2012. To some extent, it happened. But only in the sense that all roads are open.

“Now the spirit is awakening through Ukraine,” concludes Eva. This explains why the war started in Ukraine. This is of great importance for the further development of the entire planet Earth.
What do you think about these unusual predictions? Do you believe Ava?
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