Lyudmila Khomutovskaya voiced the third sign of the future world

The Ukrainians have no doubt that Will Ukraine win the war?. However, each of them understands that the battle with evil can last for years. Astrologers, psychics and other experts continue to put forward their theories about when it will end.

The tarologist Lyudmila Khomutovskaya believes that the third omen of the end of the war we have already received. What we are talking about and what to expect in the near future, read further in the article.

Lyudmila Khomutovskaya begins her forecast with what awaits the Ukrainians in December. The first month of winter will be full of different events. There will be a lot of good news from the front, but without a spoonful of tar, too, it will not do. However, the expert assures that people will experience more than necessary. The light at the end of the tunnel is already visible.

Although the war is not over, there are rumors that Russia is preparing for another attack. The plans include large-scale cooperation with Iran and the construction of military plants in Russia. However, Khomutovskaya believes that these are just dreams of the Russian government. First, the plan will not be implemented due to lack of adequate funding. In time, all allies will turn away from Russia.

As for the current situation in Ukraine, people should be prepared for new mass rocket attacks. The cards suggest that there will be at least 5, and in the worst case – 7. It is difficult to say for sure exactly how Russia decides to strike again.

Perhaps the enemy is waiting for the Ukrainians to somehow repair the power grid. According to another theory, rocket attacks always follow the resounding defeat of the Russians at the front. Thus, they want to divert public attention from their failures and once again try to intimidate the Ukrainian people. But it doesn't work that way. Any trouble only unites people in Ukraine.

The omen of the end of the war and other events in the world Recently, the SBU began checking the objects of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate. And the President of Ukraine enacted the decision of the NSDC to limit the activities of the UOC (MP) and sanctions against it. According to Homutovskaya, this is Third Omen of the End of the War in Ukraine.

However, we should not expect the fighting to end here and now. The turning point will come after the New Year. The tarologist believes that the decisive period will be the spring, when the negotiation process between Ukraine and Russia will resume.

Recently, protests have started in China against coved restrictions. A new wave of coronavirus swept the Celestial Empire. Will Ukraine and other countries face a similar problem? Lyudmila Khomutovskaya believes that this will happen within the next month.

GettyImages, however, people are no longer intimidated by this. We are likely to face further quarantine restrictions. But there will be no repeat of 2020. In addition, people around the world will begin to resist all pressure.

The question is whether there is a shadow government in the world. She says it's there. But now his representatives decided to lay low. There are rumors that their main goal is to significantly reduce the population of our planet. I wonder if you believe that?

According to this theory, each person will have a personal passport with all the information about it. There will also be information about all vaccines. If they do not, people will be deprived of their right to visit public places, including educational institutions and other institutions.

“The screws will continue to tighten,” says Khomutovskaya. The question is whether people will resist it. She's sure she is. The tarologist believes that promoting the topic of coronavirus and vaccinations against it is nothing more than a way to make more money and reduce the population of the planet. That's the kind of conspiracy theory we got!

Write in the comments, do you believe the words of the specialist and what do you expect from the coming months?

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