The creator of the science of happiness explained why we pay such a high price

Millions of people are looking forward to end of the war in Ukraine. Astrologers and psychics call different dates. Many of the predictions were false, but there are some that sound more convincing. This time we want to share interesting predictions of a very unusual specialist.

Instagram / @eva_atmalogiya Eva is a Ph.D. and PhD in Psychology. Woman has created an applied branch of knowledge about the structure of man. She calls it the science of happiness - atmalogy. We have not yet encountered such specialists. It'll be interesting!

“It is extremely difficult to calculate our future now,” says Eva. First of all, this happens because there are many variations in its development. As for the war in Ukraine, there are 2 main scenarios in which the war may end.

According to one of them, the Ukrainian state manages to defeat and return the occupied territories, including Crimea and Donbass. According to another, Ukraine is coming out of this war, having lost part of the territory forever. Ava believes that there is a completely different, third scenario. It is not about territorial integrity (although it is also important), but about the birth of a new consciousness.

“Ukraine has been chosen by the higher forces to become the eye of the needle through which this new consciousness will come to our world,” she explains. According to her, the integrity of the territories of Ukraine will directly depend on how united the Ukrainian people will become.

As the creator of the science of happiness, Eva treats any problem atypically. It answers the question “for what?” rather than “why?” Everything that is happening in Ukraine is important and necessary. The war will allow the consciousness of the Ukrainian people to make a sharp turn towards the desired happiness.

“Thanks to the war, we are finally remembering who we really are,” Ava said.

Forecast from Eva Eva long thought whether to share with subscribers shocking forecast about the future of our world. As voiced guesses begin to have a completely different power. However, the expert came to the conclusion that if the prediction comes true, we can survive it.

Also, if an event can be predicted, it can be influenced in some way. So, Ava wrote on her Facebook page that something terrible will happen. This disaster will force the people of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland to emigrate en masse. Among the countries that will welcome immigrants, will be Ukraine.

“I have seen it happen many times. And it is connected with different events, says Eva. The reason could be melting glaciers or something more serious. This incident can lead to a large number of human casualties.

The Council of specialists Eva urges all Ukrainians to remember that we build our happy future every day. It is up to us how quickly it comes. “Our thoughts, feelings and actions create a certain informational and energetic background. It either draws us closer to our dreams or away from them. But at the same time, now we are paying too high a price for our happiness, she said.

Lina Kostenko once said, “Ukraine is exclusive.” All the skating rinks of history passed through it. All kinds of tests have been completed. She's highly tempered. It has no value in the modern world.”

Instagram / @lina.kostenko_ She emphasizes that Russia’s war with Ukraine affects not only the people of these countries, but the rest of the world. All states have shown their true nature. All the values that the European Union speaks of are only on paper. Oil and gas were more important than the lives of innocent children.

The woman is confident that Ukraine will build a completely new state that will differ from European standards. The Ukrainian people will finally pay off their karmic debt and be able to breathe in full. The world is on the verge of global change. We will no longer be able to turn a blind eye to what is happening in neighboring countries and say that it does not concern us. And the main task of all mankind is to realize this.

I wonder what you think about that? Can our world change for the better?


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